A Volley ball To the Face

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3 words.....Bump....Set...Spike

Volleyball has been my sport for the longest. So when I saw the sign up sheet I signed my name in big bold letters.

Diamond Lane and Volley ball go together like a stoner and weed.

Try outs were today and I was prepared. I was gonna take a spot on this team. I just knew it.

"DIAMOND" Frog yells while poking my cheek.

I snap out my trance and look at him. "What foo?" I say.

He smiles "Hey"  is all he says as he follows me to the cafeteria for lunch. Today we decided to see what they were serving. Hopefully They were serving something that would satisfy my hunger.

When we walked in the smell of pizza hit my noes. I looked at Frog and we both had the same look. We were two hungry teens.

We ran to the line and grabbed trays of pizza. I grabbed a bag of chips and a soda and paid.

After Frog paid we made our way to a vacant table in the corner of the cafeteria. We sat down and picked up our pizzas.

I was just about to take a bite when somebody yelped from across the room. I looked up to see Cassie giggling loud in Mareoa's face. I shook my head and continued to eat. Trying to make me jealous was a childish move.

Sometimes I wonder if Cassie ever fully grew up. Cause she doesnt act like it.

"You wanna leave?" Frog ask me. I take another look at Cassie and she is giving me an evil smirk.

I nod my head because if I stay in here imma hurt her. So I picked up my tray and followed Frog up to the trash can. I dumped my tray and then took one more look around the cafeteria. I regretted when my eyes connected with Mareoa's.

I shook my head in a disgusted way and walked out behind Frog.

We made our rounds to our locker and I grabbed my book bag for the last period of the day. Which I just so happened to have with Mareoa and Cassie.

The only good thing was we were playing volleyball. The sport that I refuse to give up. Volley ball is my passion. Hell Volleyball is my life.

I got my stuff out my locker and gave Frog a quick hug. The bell rung and I decided to make my way towards the gym. I walked around the corner and straight into the gym.

I went into the girls locker room got my tank top and gym shorts and put my hair into a sloppy mess at the top of my head. Volleyball wasnt about looking cute....it was about blood,sweat and tears.

About time I was done other girls were already coming in and putting on their clothes. One of those girls just so happened to be Cassie.

She gave me a evil glare and the last thing I heard her say was "I bet she cant play Volleyball"

I giggled to myself....she got another thing coming. I walked out into the gym and sat on the bleacher waiting on the coach.

When everybody was on the bleacher the coach finally came over.

"Diamond your a captain, and Mareoa your a captain" She says.

I get up and start looking at girls to pick.

*5 minutes later*

I had my girls and I was ready. Cassie was on Mareoa's team for the hell of it....but this meant I had an advantage. I had ups and ability.

I decided to start the game off. I grabbed the ball and went behind the line to serve. I bounced the ball and waited on the coach to blow the whistle.

When coach blowed the whistle I timed my serve then I fell into it. The ball rised in the air and fell on to the other side of the net.

Cassie went for the ball but didnt call it so her and another girl collided with each other. I smiled as my first point went on to the board. But Cassie was on the ground complaining.

I roll my eyes and shake my head...this girl is crazy. Mareoa ran towards Cassie like a whipped bitch and I gave a disgusted giggled.

"Its her fault"Cassie yells pointing at me.

I look at her like she is crazy.

What she does next tells me she is crazy. The took a ball and threw it at me over the net...I guess she expected to hit me but I dont think that was gonna happen. I pushed myself into the air and spiked the ball.

The ball was going super fast and Cassie was too slow. The ball hit her smack in the face. I got wide eyed.

"A volleyball to the face....Lane your on the team" coach Register says.

I smile. I didnt even have to do anything.



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