A night to remember Part 2

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Another chapter.....I will have a challenge posted at the bottom of this chapter so Look for it.....their are gonna be some really cool prizes included.....so yeah....




"Why cant we get Butterfingers?" Abi argues with George.

"Because they are nasty....Lets get Cookies and cream Hershey!!" he yells.

I roll my eyes.

Sometimes these people make Frog look more mature then he is. The part making me mad was I didnt eat breakfast but Abi and George wanna argue over candy.


"Whats wrong with you" George asked

I roll my eyes. "I'm hungry and if you dont hurry up Im going to turn into Jeffrey Dahmer" I say.

"Eww....okay...Lets go" Abi says.

I sigh and push the first buggy as Abi and George follow behind me with then 2nd and 3rd buggies.

We make our way to the check out aisle and start loading stuff on.

"Wow bug party tonight?" the cashier says.

I look up and its one of Cassie's puppy dogs.

"Nah...just a volleyball and football thing" I say.

She nods her head and looks at me.

"Look I have nothing against you...Cassie just pays me to be around her" she says.

"I feel sorry for you" I say.

"Yeah I would to if I were me...she does nothing but talk about Mareoa...I think you and him are perfect though" she says.

I give her a grin. "Hey if you dont wanna spend a boring night at her house we are going trick or treating...take my number and you can hang with us for the night" I say.

"That would be awesome" she replied.

She rung up my last item and I handed her a sheet of paper with my number on it.

She gave me my total and I pulled out my Credit card and swiped.

We grabbed all our bags and loaded them back into the buggy.

I gave her a wave and exited the store and went towards the car.

We loaded everything up and I called Mareoa.

"Yes Love?" he answers.

"We are going to lunch if you want to meet us" I say.

"Where are we eatting?" he questions.

"Uhhh....Chipotle" I answer.

"Alright we will see you there" he says.

I give him an okay and hang up.

I then started the car and took off.

*45 minutes later*

Mareoa and Frog pulled up and I was irritated....I was super hungry.

As they walked over to the car I literally ran inside of Chipotle.

The lady asked me what I wanted and She fixed my meal.

When I got to the counter I got chips and a Vitamin Water.

I then sat at a table and dug in. Mareoa and Frog walked over and saw me stuffing my face.

"Mareoa I think Diamond's Pregnant" Frog trys to whisper.

Mareoa looks at him. "I didnt do anything...yet" Mareoa teases.

I start to choke on my Vitamin Water.

Mareoa sits down next to me and pats my back while chuckling.

"Sorry baby" he says.

I scowl at him and continue eatting my steak bowl.

Frog sits down next to me and starts eatting his plate. George and Abi come out next and sit in the booth. Abi sits by Frog and he puts his arm around her shoulder.

Mareoa looked at me thinking the same thing I was.

We stared at each other for a minute until he caught a loose strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"Your so beautiful" he comments.

I smile at him and peck his lips. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him.

The booth wasnt that big so I was almost in his lap. Which I think he didnt mind.

"What time are we going to get your cousins and get dressed?" Frog asked.

I look at the time on my phone.

"Lets get the rest of our food and head out" I say.

Abi and George nod and I look at Mareoa and Frog.

"uhh hey Abi...How about you ride with Frog and Mareoa can ride with me" I say.

She gives me a smirk and comes towards me.

"Cupid much?" she ask.

I giggle. "Trust me girl...Im not wearing a diaper nor am I carrying a arrow." I joke.

She chuckles and walks towards Frog and grabs his arm.

They leave out and I look at Mareoa and George.

"You two ready?" I question.

They both nod and I grab my bag.

"Give me this babe" Mareoa says taking my bag.

I give him a look. "My hands arent broke" I say.

He grabs my waist and looks at me.

"As long as your mine I dont want you to lift a finger" he says.

I pull him down to my level and kiss him.

"We are pushing for time" George says making me jump.

I scowl at him and hop on Mareoa's back.

"TO THE CAR!!" I yell.

Mareoa takes off to the car and we get in...time to go to the country.


HEYY BOO'S another chapter for you guys

Heres the challenge: if your interested...make a banner....cover or photo dealing with color doesnt matter....The top 10 get something....you dont have to do it if you dont want to I think this would be cool though let me know.



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