"Not Today"

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*In the process of editing my chapters...This one isnt edited...Sorry for mistakes...


*Next week Diamonds POV*

I woke up the next morning ready to start my day.I grabbed my  hot pink long in the back short in the front strapless dress and my hot pink open toed summer sandals.

I laid them on the bed and grabbed a towel so I could start my hygiene flow.

*20 minutes later*

I came out and lotioned up. I then put my pink black undergarments on. I slipped my dress on and put my sandals  on.

Next was my hair.....I went to the mirror and decided to put it in a sock bun. After finishing my hair I made my way down stairs.

Frog was at the table eatting toast and bacon. I quickly grabbed a piece of bacon off his plate and bit into it.

"Really? You eat my bacon with out giving me a goodmorning? I see what kinda friend you are" he says.

I giggle and pinch his cheek. "Its okay Wittle froggy....Diamond still wuvs woo" I say teasing him.

He scowls at me as he finishes his toast. "lets head out" he says wiping his mouth.

I follow behind him as he gets inside the car. I get inside the passenger  seat and put my seatbelt on.

*5 minutes later*

We made it to school and hopped out. The first person I see is Cassie. She runs towards Mareoa and hugs him. I look at Mareoa's face. Something was bothering him I could tell.

"The plans still on?" Frog asked.

"Yup"  I say not really paying attention.

"Welp lets get to class" Frog says.

I walk off ahead of him with out saying a word.

*Lunch time*

Me and Frog were now sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. I was playing with an apple while Frog was trying trying to eat the road kill they called Chicken marinara.

There was alot on my mind at the moment. I dont know why.

"Hey Captain coach scheduled a practice for Thursdays game" Kelsey says to me.

I mentally thank her. "When you see the rest of the girls  tell them they need their Knee pads, were going against Harris county and im going to prepare you guys for their spikes." I say.

She nods and walks off.

I was just about to go back into my thoughts when I heard a shriek from the other side of the room.

I look up and Cassie had thrown her marinara on a girl that was my color but a little darker. The girl got up and was about to walk out but Cassie grabbed her.

"Sorry bitch...guess your a little too dark..I didnt see you there." she says

The girl snatches away from her and runs out the cafeteria.

I was mad....it wasnt even me but my blood was boiling.

I rushed up to Cassie and she stood her ground.

"What?" she asked hard and rude.

"So your bullying her too?....your a pathetic person Cassie...I hope you rot in hell...Your a sad excuse for a person" I say before running towards the way the girl ran.

I made my way into the bathroom. The girl was scrubbing at her white shirt trying to get the stain out.

"Its not gonna work" I say reaching inside my purse and getting my black hoodie out.

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