Black Mail...More like White Mail

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Guess who's back? Back again? Lol jk...but thanks for waiting guys I love you alot for that....ummm well I had fun in memphis saw alot of stuff.

Well lets get this chapter started...NOT EDITED...SORRY FOR MISTAKES.


"Umm Diamond...Nice...Bra?" Mareoa ask scratching the back of his head.

my cheeks turn red...I know he is trying to make conversation.

"wow good luck girl" my co captain whispers before walking away.

I nod my head as Mareoa finds something to say.

The his cheeks turn red.

"Diamond...Look im tired of ignoring some little kid...I need to talk to you tonight...please come by the Burger Joint tonight...alone" he says.

I sigh "okay whatever" I say.

He turns his head from me and towards the door of the locker room.

I turn the same way to see Cassie.

Mareoa looks at me and lets out a soft chuckle. He then ends his chuckle and gets a straight face.

"What happened?" he asked sounding concerned.

Cassie points her finger at me.

"That stupid bitch hit me" Cassie yells.

I was about to drop my bag when I felt a hand on my arm.

I turned slowly to see my grand mother.

"This isnt your fight anymore Diamond...she has me messed up.

"You listen...and you listen well little girl...if you have a problem with my grand daughter you can settle it with see Diamond is taking it easy on you....but me little girl I will whip your ass...I will whip you like your mama should have leave Diamond alone" she says.

Cassie's mouth is open wide with shock. I mean her mouth is so wide you could stick 7 twinkies into her mouth and still have room.

Mareoa pulled her along and he looked at my grandma.

she winked her eyes at him and this created confusion to me.

"Grandma whats going on?" I ask.

"I came to see my granddaughter  play" she says.

"Oh yeah and here" she says handing me a another suit case.

"This is the rest of your stuff" she says.

I grab it from her and she pulls me along by my back.

"Your grand dad is in the car...we are going to get burgers" she says

Then it clicks to me.

"Grandma are you trying to help Mareoa?" I ask.

She smiles at me.

"Baby girl shut up and get your ass in the car" she says.

I chuckle loudly at her command.

We make our way into the car.

My granddad greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Congraz on the first win baby girl" My grand dad says.

"thanks" I say smiling.

My grandma then gets into the front seat.

"Okay sugar pie im ready to go" my grandma says to my granddad.

He nods his head and starts the car.

*30 minutes later*

We made it to the burger joint and park the car.

We walk inside and some people from the game were in there.

"Diamond dear fo wash your hands we will order your food" my grandma says.

I  shrug my shoulders and go towards the bathroom.

Its one of those one person bathrooms.

I knock on it and nobody answers so I go in.

I go to the mirror and look over my body.

My flat stomach is pouring sweat. I look disgusting.

I grab a paper towel and wipe the sweat off me.

I then look at my hands and see how red they are.

I grab some hand soap and turn the the cold water on. I let my hands rest under the water.

I then close my eyes and let coldness relax my hands.

"Diamond" a voice behind me says.

I jumped and nearly hit my head on the paper towel holder.

I turn to see Mareoa.

"Dammit Mareoa you almost made me lose my head" I say.

He laughs. "Sorry" he says.

I take a deep breathe and sit on the sink.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

He looks me in my eyes.

"Cassie is black mailing me Diamond.....She said if I didnt play along with her stupid game she would get my mom fired from her job....her dad owns my mom Diamond....he is only keeping her because im with Cassie" he says.

Anger boils inside of me.

"Mareoa come here" I say.

He comes over and I engulf him into a hug.

"Im sorry so sorry" I say.

"No Diamond im sorry" he says.

"Mareoa we have to explain this to Frog..." I say.

Mareoa nods.

"Look later on tonight come to Frog's house we need to talk about this" I say.

He nods and kisses my cheek.

I walk out of the bathroom and head for the table where my food was.

"You okay?" my Grandma says smiling.

"Couldnt be better" I said.

She then leans over and whispers in my ear.

"You know I use to date fine young men like him" she says.

My eyes get buck and she chuckles.

Tonight has been a night.


*Sorry for the short update*

Well how you guys think frog will take this?

Also Im having a casting role....Im gonna have a new character come in its gonna be a girl.....If you wanna be in the story please message me that would be perfect.....Well I love you guys,your awesome.....-XOXO-Destini


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