Mother Nature's Funeral

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Weird title I kno but lets get into the chapter.



Following your heart isnt always the smartest thing.- Velincia has the word.

I was terrified to open the door. Then I remembered the switch blade in my sock.

I reached in it and opened the blade.

"Diamond...what are you doing?" Mareoa asks.

"Im going to cut his balls off and feed them to Jeffrey Dahmer through his fucking grave" I spit.

Before Mareoa can reach me I open the door and my dad is on top of Roman and he is strangling him.

I take the blade and right when Im about to stab him Mareoa grabs my waist spinning me around.

He slaps the blade out my hand and forces me into a kiss. At first im angry and dont kiss back but Mareoa had that effect on me...I couldnt stay mad when Im around him.

Our tongues fight each other. Mareoa definitely was the dominant one when it came to this.

The kissing went on until we ran out of breathe and then I looked down.

My dad was still trying to strangle Roman.

"Nayeli....get off him man" a man yells from down the hall.

I look at him and he looks Native American like my dad.

He grabs my dad off Roman and Roman gets up gasping for air. He doesnt make any moves towards us he darts straight for the elevator.

I was about to run after him and kick his ass but Mareoa had me in a trance.

"Its not worth it" he whispers in my ear. His cool minty breathe sent chills down my spine.

"Why did you pull me off him Yela?!" my dad exclaims.

"You trying to go to jail?" the man named Yela questions.

My dad looks at the floor and then at him.

"Yes!!" he exclaims.

I giggle in the inside as a nurse comes through the door.

"Everything all right?" she ask.

We all nod and move back into the room.Mareoa whines like a dog when he goes to sit down.

I try to go back to the chair but he pulls me back to the bed.

"I cant sleep with out you" he says.

I sit criss-cross apple sauce next to him and he lays down.

He plays with my hand as my dad sits down still breathing hard.

"Diamond...Yela...Yela....My daughter Diamond" my dad introduces.

"Next to her is Mareoa..her quarter back boyfriend" my dad says.

Yela shakes me and Mareoa's hand.

"Diamond,me and Yela are college brothers..he was my right hand man we had some adventures." he says.

"What kind of adventures?" I ask suspiciously.

He looks at Yela and they laugh.

"Those are stories for another time....Yela and I have to go discuss business,if you need anything call me" he says leaving out.

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