The Truth Isnt Always Pretty

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No explanation for the frequent updates....I love you guys though...Show this chapter some love....THIS IS NOT EDITED....SORRY FOR MISTAKES*


We've been in the bunker for what felt like hours. I was okay with it. As long as the man that called himself my step father couldnt get in.

I was sitting in the corner in the tighest ball ever. Im so scared right now I dont think I wanna come out.

I heard more footsteps and tried my best to hide myself. I didnt wanna be caught. I was  too scared to face him. I didnt want to face him.

The footsteps were now right above the bunker.The tears started to flow. This was a day I never thought I would see. Thats why I left escape the monster. Sadly he found me.

Somebody was bound to get hurt.

The door to the bunker opened. I held my breathe just in case it was him.

"Diamond...Mareoa...its Grandpa Lane" I hear my grandfather say.

Mareoa got up from the top of the bunker and cut the light on.

"I chased him off with my shot gun..Where's Diamond?" he asked.

I squeezed my self harder trying to dissapear.

"She is in the bunker corner" Mareoa says.

My grandfather makes his way over to me.

"Diamond...come out he is gone..I chased him off" he says.

I shake my head in disagreement.

"I wanna stay here....he found me grand pa....he found me" I say.

"Baby girl I know.....he cant hurt you...we wont let it happen" he says.

"No I cant risk getting hurt" I say.

He sighs. "Diamond you gotta believe in were living will continue to live fine...So many people are worried about you...come on now" he says.

I cant stop my sobs. I was terrified but my granddad was right. I had to stop living in fear. I needed to  take pre-caution and continue living.

"Just give me a minute" I say.

"Okay....Mareoa stay down here...i'll be at the top when she is ready you come on up" he says.

Mareoa didnt respond but im sure he nodded. He always nods at last statements.

When my grandfather reached the top of the bunker Mareoa came over to me.

"You ready?" he asked

I shook my head no.

" Diamond...I promise to god..he wont hurt you...If he comes with in 5 feet of you I will kill him...I wont hold back....he will never in his life hurt you again" he says.

"Its not your fight" I say.

"No is my long as I love you and you love me...I will make sure nothing happens to you....I would die for you Diamond...I would die fighting for you and wouldnt regret it.." he says.

That touched my heart....I was still terrified though.

I extended my arms and Mareoa grabbed me up. He carried me Bridal style up the steps.

When we reached the top my grand dad was right there.

"Come on lets get her in the gets cold out here" my grand dad says.

Mareoa follows behind him. He starts humming something unfamiliar but soothing.

I was tired..not tired of the world...I was just sleepy.

Instead of waiting to get in the house...I fell asleep right there.

In Mareoa's arms.

*1 hour later*

I woke up in my old bed. Mareoa was at the foot of it sitting in the bean bag chair.

Frog was in the therapy chair and Mrs. Vasquez was staring out the window.

"Mareoa" I say in a dry voice.

"Yeah im here you okay?" he ask.

"Water" I say.

"Ill go get it"  Mrs.Vasquez says.

"Thanks"I say.

She nods and leaves the room.

"Diamond...are you comfortable telling me what happened?" Mareoa asked.

I sigh.

"My step father molested me for 5 years Mareoa....He said he would find me where ever I went....I didnt want I called child services and they took me to my ant Queen when I got old enough I came out here" I said.

Mareoa said nothing. He looked at the ground and tgen to Frog.

"I need your guest bedroom Frog...Im not letting her stay there by herself" Mareoa says.

Frog looks at him.

"Im gonna be there dude..." Frog says.

"Yeah we both need to be there...just in case he hurts you or me" he says.

Frog nods.

"The truth isnt always pretty....Im sorry this happened to you Diamond" Mareoa says.

I turn to my side..Yeah me too.


*Just a short chapter.....You guys got me to 600 notifications thats the highest ive been so far...I LOVE YOU ALL... Again the chapters short because its not my last chapter today....Im trying to give you guys 2 chapters or more a day so yeah...but VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW....-XOXO-DESTINI

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