Driving and Halloween

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Im going to go ahead and jump into the story...no long intro.....THIS CHAPTER IS NOT EDITED SORRY FOR MISTAKES. SHOW SOME LOVE!!!


give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime- Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie

I drove....my dads car.....into a mud land. The great thing is...we had more fun in the mud pile...then we did on the road.

When we got done he took the wheel.

"Diamond you can drive....you just gotta believe in yourself...Imma drop you off at your grandmother's...her and your grandpa are at some banquet...Mareoa, Frog and some girl name Abi are over there...ill pick you guys up after I go to my office and see what needs to be looked over" my dad explains.

I give him a nod.

"Hey dad....Can we do some shopping this weekend?" I wanna shop for my halloween costume" I say.

He looked at me with a amused face.

"Your 17?....going trick or treating?" he asked.

I scowl at him.

"Yeah and....im 17....going to a high school Halloween party" I say.

He nods his head understanding what Im saying.

We are almost to the house when I get a text. I look at my phone and its Mareoa.

-At the store....LOCK the doors until we get back...it wont take long-

I sigh and keep my eyes on the house.

My dad pulls into the driveway and I smile at him. He waits until I dig my key out and gets inside the house to pull off. I do as im told and lock all the doors to the house. Hell I even locked the windows.

I then went up to my old room and grabbed a pair of sweats and threw them on. I was just about to leave the room when the power shut off.

I jumped and looked around. I couldnt see anything but my shadow against the balcony light.

Wait.......That wasnt my shadow.

The shadow was coming from outside the window from the street light.

I didnt hesitate........I picked up my phone and called Mareoa.

It went straight to voicemail.I tried Abi next....Hers rang for a minute then went to voicemail.

I tried Frog and he picked up.

"Hey Frog where are you...the power went out" I say.

"Well ummm...im coming up the street" he says.

"Mareoa and Abi were suppose to be there"he says.

I roll my eyes cause he didnt know he just snitched on them.

I climbed the stairs again ready to end this little prank.

I go back to my room ready to open the door but the shawdow isnt there.

Instead hands wrap around my waist and I yell.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I exclaim.

The person puts there mouth close to my ear.

"Calm down Diamond" Mareoas voice says.

I calm down and turn towards him.

"Your not funny" I say.

He grabs my waist and picks me up.

"Im sorry" he says.

I decide to play my own little game.

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