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When I got home I said nothing to my grandma and grandpa. They tried to get me to come eat dinner with them but I wasnt in the mood. I just wanted to find something cute to wear and get ready.

After about 35 minutes of shuffling through my closet I got my outfit. I got my high waisted skinny jeans that were black on one side and white on the other, my black and white Bandeu top, and one of my black heels and a white heel.

I then went to the bathroom and did my hygiene thing. I came out and put gel on my hair and the put my outfit on.I looked at my phone and Mareoa was calling.I picked up to him singing his heart out.

"HELLO!!" I scream annoyed.

"Oh hey me down the street" he says.

I give him an okay and make my way towards the balcony.

I knew I had 3 options

1. Climb down

2. Fly

3. jump and snap my legs

I knew flying was out of the picture.I made my way towards the gutter and kicked off my shoes hearing them thud to the ground.I didnt wanna end up like my shoes. I clamped on to the side of the gutter and inch my way towards the window to the bathroom. I placed my feet on the ledge and then found the other part of the balcony. I wobbled but found my balance. I was inches now. I inched my way towards the last ledge and plopped down on it. I then swiftly jumped down and grabbed my shoes putting them on.

I swayed til I met the head lights of Mareoa's car. He got out and gave me a devilish smirk. "I almost died" I say. His smirk  then turns to a grin.

"It was worth it" he says. I roll my eyes and mumble incoherent things under my breathe.

He opens the door for me and I climb in and put on my seat belt.He goes to his side and gets in. "Ready for this party" he ask. I just nod and look out the window.

*1 hour later*

We pulled up to a lake house and it looked cute. From the looks of it whoever owned it had money or was crahing this place. "Ready to go in?" Mareoa asked interuppting my thoughts. I smile and get out leading the way. Just in case my grandparents call I left my phone in the car. I didnt want any worries tonight.

Mareoa had caught up to me when I reached the door and he opened it. The inside was beautiful. People were all over the place dancing and drinking. In the corner I spotted the girl that threatened me in the hallway. Her and her little puppy dogs were giving me dangerous looks.

My guard suddenly went up and I decided to just watch my back tonight. My thoughts were interuppted when Mareoa placed a hand on my lower back pushing me into the party. I looked back at him and he was smiling down at me.

"How do you know I plan to give you back to your grandparents?" he whispers in my ear.

I give a devilish smile. " I know you would....If you wanna keep your job darling" I say giving a smile kiss on the cheek before walking away.

When I look back Mareoa was hot and bothered I had that boy where I wanted  I him.

I went into the kitchen to check things out in there. When I walked im Frog was lip locking with some girl. I decided to play with him.


The girls eyes get wide like a deer caught in head lights. She pushes Frog away and wipes her lips running out the room. When she leaves I look over at Frog who is enraged.

The last words I hear came to quickly for me to comprehend. "Diamond....Run"

*Frog is gonna kill Diamond.

Did Diamond do right by leaving her phone in the car?

Let me know....I love you guys thanks for the support......VOTE COMMENT FOLLOW IT MEANS THE MOST-XOXO-DESTINI

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