Friday Night

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*Friday....Diamonds POV*


I roll my eyes and gather my stuff. This is some bullshit. I hate school. Who created it? If I find the answer me and him are going to talk.

I slowly walked to my locker putting my books inside. I was about to close it when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I gasp as I feel the minty breathe on my ear.

"Did I scare you cow girl?" Mareoa whispers in that sexy southern accent sending chills down my back.

"Nope but if you keep calling me cow girl I will send you on the ride of your life" I say to him.

He gives me a evil smirk and leans in.

"Well baby girl I might just take you up on that" he says. I give him a glare.

I decided to earn another point. I leaned in on him and kissed his bottom lip. When he went in for more I quickly closed my locker and hugged him. "You just got played...again." I whisper kissing his ear and walking away.

I hear him groan as he tries to catch up.I then start to sprint until Im pushed into a locker. I look up and a ginger head chick his in my face giving me a death glare.

"Listen here Mareoa is mine and if you do anything I will kick your ass" she says.

I push her off me. "Listen here bitch I dont know what you females got against me but fuck you I dont care what you had with Mareoa obviously he doesnt want you" I say.

Before she gets to reply Mareoa walks up and puts a hand on my waist."Stacey what do you want?" he ask her. She smiles .

"Well first I want you and we could talk about the other stuff later" she says in a high tone. He rolls his eyes and picks me up placing a kiss on my lips.

"This is where im at...I plan to stay there" he says. She gives a groan and throws daggers at me with her eyes. Before she walked away she leaned in on me "watch you back bitch" is all she says as she walks away. I roll my eyes as Mareoa grabs my hand and leads me out the school.

We got to his car and he groaned as his phone went off. He answered  and then after a small convo he hung up. He approached me and pushed me against the car....."What do you have planned tonight?" he asked.

I shrug and he smiles. "Well im picking you up for a party" he says. I groan remembering what my grandma said.

"Mareoa Im grounded" I say. He doesnt say anything and I sit there looking at him.

"IVE GOT IT....just sneak out" he says.

My eyes get wide."Mareoa are you on drugs?? granddad will kill me if he found out I snuck out" I say.

"But Diamond he doesnt have to know" he says. I shake my head disagreeing.

"Please" he says.

I shake my head no.

"Pretty please?" he exclaims.

I still shake my head no.

"DIAMOND PLEASE I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER" He screams to the top of his lungs.


We look around to see heads turned towards us. he giggles. I roll my eyes.

Just then my bus pulled up.

"Be ready at 11" he says. I just shake my head...he then kissed my lips again before going to his car.

I dont know what this feeling is but im getting confused....why does he keep kissing me if we arent official. Im gonna confront him soon.

*Im in pain about to go to the hospital.....I almost got into a beyond mad but im too old to be yall tell me what yall think

~Should Diamond sneak out?~

Let me know  what you guys think....XOXO-DESTINI

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