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"Chipotle or VeggieGrill?"

I mentally role my eyes as I watch Jess fake her ass off in front of everyone.

Everyone says that it doesn't matter, then looks back at me to get my response.

"I vote chipotle." I mumble and then Nate goes back to driving.

I feel Sammy put his arm around me, pushing my head against his chest as he whispers, "Don't let her get to you."

I nod, kissing his cheek as I snuggle into him in the backseat. I let Jess get the passenger since I didn't want to be near her, and the Jacks and Swazz are in Gilinsky's car, following behind us.

I tried my hardest not to ride with Jess, but I had to if I wanted to ride with Sammy.

When we finally pull up, we all gather in, me giving G a nice big hug when he walks in behind Swazz. I also give one to Johnson, then I take my position in line next to Sammy. He wraps his arm around my neck as we look up at the menu.

While waiting, I causally look over, seeing Madison and Stass eating at a table close by; both of them giving me the dirtiest looks.

I see Madison reach forward to whisper into Stass's ear and I scoff as I look away.

"What's wrong? Why are you tensing up?" Nate says from behind me.

I turn and just shake me head, still kinda upset about earlier when he texted me.

After we each get our food, I turn with my tray in my hands, to a snickering Madison at the drink machine.

I roll my eyes as I walk next to her, getting my drink. She continues to laugh next to me, ever so slightly peeking over at me.

"Is something funny?" I ask and she nods her head. Then I hear a chair slide back against the floor, meaning Stass was now approaching us as well.

She walks up and knocks the cup out of my hands, making the ice go everywhere.

They start laughing again as my face begins to heat up. I look at them, ready to strike, when Sammy walks up. He gives them both a look, then grabs my tray in one hand and wraps the other hand around me.

"Fuck off." He spats and we start for the table.

Just then Stass's hands lace onto Sammy's free arm.

"Don't make the mistake Gilinsky made by choosing her over who he was made for. She's stealing people's boyfriends from left and right. Don't let her steal you from me."

I gulped as Sammy rolled his eyes.

"Can't you see what she's doing?" She continues.

"Can't you see I don't give a fuck about anything you say?" He responds and walks to the table.

I sit down in the empty chair between Nathan and Johnson. Sammy places my tray in front of me, then bends down, whispering something into Johnson's ear. Johnson looks over at me, before nodding his head at Sammy, then standing, bringing his food with him. Sammy then takes his seat and kisses my cheek.

"Why'd you make him move?" I ask and he giggles a bit.

"Do you not want to sit by me?" He smirks and I playfully roll my eyes, grabbing a fork and beginning to eat.


"Pass the aux cord." Jess says from the passenger.

It's the same people, but Swazz rode with us this time because the Jack's had to go straight to another meeting and they're gonna meet us at the house later.

"No one wants to hear Rihanna all the time. Just put on the radio." I say to Jess and Nate listens to my command with a laugh.

Sammy pulls back on my waist, telling me to go back to cuddling with him. I lean backwards, wrapping one arm around his torso and I raise the other, stroking his hair as I kiss his cheek once, smiling up at him. He smiles too, lifting my chin to make eye contact with him.

"If you guys like each other, why not just admit it?" Swazz asks from beside us. I look over at Sam, who's blushing and smiling, while looking away, out the window.

"Because I'm a hoe, remember. Sammy can't possibly have feelings for a hoe, can he?"

Sammy brust out laughing from behind me, making me smile.

"Shut up, you're not a fucking hoe." He says and Swazz gushes with joy.

"Y'all are so fucking cute, stoppp." Swazz states, making Nate look through the review mirror and Jess fully turning around.

"Don't encourage them or her hoeness." Jess says and I launch forward. I take a fist full of her curly hair and yank it, making her scream and push me off.

"What the fuck, you bitch!" She yells as she turns around and slaps me across my face in the middle of me laughing.

I hold my face in astonishment and i fully stand up, lunging at her, hitting her as she's hitting me. All the guys are yelling, telling us to chill out, mostly for me to sit my ass down.

Nate's also fucking yelling, trying to get us to stop, but also trying to remain focus on the road. Next thing I know, Nate sharply turns and bares off toward the right, then slamming on the breaks, making me fly forward, but Sammy grabs me before i can go toward the windshield.

Nate puts the car in park and then looks back at us. "What the fuck is wrong with you guys? You're having a full on fucking fight in the middle of my car, like are y'all fucking stupid?"

Swazz laughs and looks at us too. "They're on on some nut shit. Bri got it from Sam and Jess's getting hers from Taylor, but is lowkey wanting it from Johnson." He says and Jess reaches back and punches his arm, while the rest of us laugh.

"I'm not moving the fucking car until you guys can just apologize because this shit got me fucked up and I'm not trying to crash or get a ticket because y'all wanna fight and shit." Nate says and I roll my eyes.

Jess looks at me, still rubbing her head from when i snatched her hair and gives me a stank look. I flick her off, sitting back completely and turning toward Sammy.

"Like I said, I'm not moving. We can stay here all fucking day." Nate says again and I sigh loudly. I think about it and decide that I'll be the bigger person considering I am older by a few months.

"Jess, I-"

I feel Sammy rub my thigh, trying to be comforting.

"I'm so so so fucking-" I reach over and open the back side door. I climb over Sammy's lap and step out.

"So fucking out of here." I say and then slam the door behind me and began walking. Yeah this bitch thought I was about to apologize.

Sammy's Pov

"Someone go get her." Nate sighs as she starts walking away.

"Why? Let her be a childish bitch, she'll find her way to y'alls house." Jess says and I shake my head.

I open the door and step out and I start running, trying to catch up to her. When I reach her, I grab her arm, turning her body fully around.

"Leave me alone." She says and tries walking again, but I stop her.

"Oh shut the fuck up, you know you wanted me to chase you or you wouldn't have made a scene." I smirk and she smiles, slowly shrugging up her shoulders.

She looks back behind me at Nate's parked car a few feet away. "I guess we should just go back so I can apologize and get it over with, right?" She says and I peek back at the car too.

"Nah, let's walk a bit. I'll tell Nate we'll catch a uber home or some shit."

She laughs and I lace my arm around her neck as we continue walking in the opposite direction.

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