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When I walked out, I ran into Johnson.

"Oh, you're up." I say and he nods while yawning.

"I just want some breakfast then I'm gonna go back to sleep."

"No stay up, we need to see why the skanks are here."

He shrugs then walks ahead of me. We walk down stairs and see everyone.

"Gilinsky made me and my friends breakfast. Isn't that so sweet." Madison says as she smirks at me.

I roll my eyes and walk over to G. He hands me my pre made plate with a smile. I look over at Madison and her jaw drops.

"I'm the one who convinced him to make breakfast, so don't get full of yourself now."

I take a seat at the island and start eating. Johnson makes himself a plate and sits next to me.

"So why are you here?" Stass asks me as I eat.

"Because I was fucking invited, unlike someone."

"Actually, Nate invited us." Madison says.

My eyes go wide as I look at G and Johnson. They shrug signaling me they don't know anything about it and I laugh a little.

Just then, the little brown headed girl from earlier walks out the bathroom and comes over to the kitchen.

"Damn, who's that." Johnson mumbles and Stass smirks.

"Why don't you introduce yourself, C." She says and the brown headed girl nods.

"Hi, I'm Claudia." She holds out her hand, waiting for everyone to shake it.

I shake it first smiling at her. "I'm Bri."

"I'm G or Gilinsky." Says Jack without shaking her hand though.

Johnson basically launches out his chair to shake her hand and me and Jack giggle under our breath.

"Um, I'm Johnson. Nice to meet you Claudia."

She smiles and they stare at each other for a good ten seconds before looking away.

"Hey I'm Ana, Nate's girlfriend." The other girl says. She's been so quite, I forgot she was there.

I'm appalled because I didn't know Nate had a girlfriend, especially at the way he was acting towards me yesterday.

"Yeah Nate and Ana have been dating for almost a month now." Madison smirks again and I can feel my face becoming red.

I turn away, not wanting anyone to see my emotions.

I stand and dump my plate. When I take it over to the sink, G takes it out of my hands.

"I'll clean it."

I nod and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks for making breakfast."

He blushes and smiles as I walk away, making my way back toward the stairs.

"Where's Sammy?" Stass says and I turn, shrugging my shoulders.

"Wait!" Madison says and she runs over to me.

"So we heard Hayes was coming and you all were gonna hang out with him." She continues and I roll me eyes.

"Yeah, so?"

"We wanna hang out too!"

"Sorry but no one likes you here or stass. So why don't you take your friends and go home." I say harshly, ready to get upstairs to confront Nate.

"You're a fucking bitch and I honestly don't understand how everyone here can even stand to be around you." With that she walks back to the kitchen.

I continue going upstairs to Nate's room. I knock and he comes to answer it.

"Hey." He says and I walk pass him, making my way inside.

I sit on the bed with my arms and legs crossed.

"What? Why are you mad?" He asks as he also sits down.

"You have a fucking girlfriend?!" I whisper yell and his eyes go wide.

"What? No. Well maybe. I don't know, why?"

"Nathan, you were just flirting with me yesterday and I come to find out that your girlfriend of one month is sitting downstairs right now. That's not okay."

"She's not really my girlfriend, okay so chill out. I just tell her that so she'll hook up with me whenever I want. She's only for sex, that's it. I swear."

I scoff as I stand. He's such a idiot. He can't just play with that girl's heart like that.

"You're such a dick." I say as I walk out.

I walk across the hall, going back to Johnson's room. When I walk in, he's sitting in his bed, talking to that Claudia girl. They're laughing and talking and you can tell Johnson's really trying to flirt with her.

I step back out, before either of them notice me. What happened to Johnson wanting Jess?

I walk downstairs again and find G on he's phone in the backyard.



"Nothing, I'm just bored." I say with a sigh.

"Then let's go do something."

"Without the others?"

"Yeah, just you and me. We can go see a movie or some shit." He stands up and takes my hand.

"Alright, lets go."

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