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"Best birthday ever?" Sammy asks when I come down for breakfast.

"Hell Yeah." I sit at the bar as he puts a plate in front of me.

I begin to eat as I scroll on my phone, looking at pictures from last night. I smile at my face when I was first surprised.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I turn to see jack coming in the kitchen.

He smirks at me, making me smile at just the thought of last night's activities. He walks over, wrapping his arms around from behind the chair I'm sitting at.

I look up and he pecks my lips a couple of times.

"So im guessing you guys had a great night." Hayes smirks, coming in to put his plate into the sink and I just pick up my fork and let my face tell it all.

"Well, it's no more underage shit, so I'll let you just imagine what possibly could've went down." Gilinsky states and the others start to making silly noises, embarrassing me even more.

"Not that time being underage was ever a problem for you, jack." I wink at the others and then they switch from teasing me to teasing him.

"You guys are so annoying."

"Not as annoying as hearing your moans through our walls last night." Nate mumbles and I stand to get a glass of orange juice.

"Stop fronting. Yall love the sound of my moans." I chuckle.

"Can't deny that." Gilinsky says.

"Not when you're moaning another dudes name." I hear Nate say but I just ignore it, not wanting anything bad to start.

"Trust me, she's moaning the perfect name." Gilinsky gently nudges Nate and he scoffs and gets up.

"What's his problem?" Sammy asks.

"What do you think." G shrugs and glares over at me.

I stand and head up stairs, going around the room to pick up my clothes.

Just then, Gilinsky walks in.

"Trying to find all the spare pieces?" He smiles and I sigh.

"Yeah, but looks like a lot of my shit is missing like it does every time I'm with you."

"Don't worry, I'll help you find it." He bends down, looking under the bed, finding my favorite bra that I've been looking for months now.

"Oh my god, I thought Jess stole this or something." I say taking it out his hands.

He also hands me my shirt from last night.

"Thanks, babe." I laugh.

"You're welcome. But, oh, I bet I can find one more thing." He walks over to the dirty sheet in the corner of the room, lifting and shaking it until something falls out.

He brings it to me, handing me my thong and I feel my face start to blush.

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower so I can head on home." I announce.

"Why are you leaving? I thought you were at least gonna stay here for a few days.

"And why would I do that?"

"You're eighteen, you can do whatever the fuck you want. You're parents can't make you come back home if you don't want too." He shrugs.

"I'm not going to start being a trouble maker or some shit just because I'm eighteen, jack. I'm still depending on my parents for a place to stay and the last thing I'd want is to screw that up by rebelling them."

"But you do have a place to stay, baby. Come stay here with me. You're over her almost everyday anyways. And we could-"

"Stop." I huff.

"Why? What's the problem?"

"I'm not moving here, not with you. I mean seriously, we barely get along as it is and you think us living and sleeping in the same house will make that better? Really, Gilinsky, don't be delusional." I chuckle to myself as I stuff my clothes into my bag.

"Don't fucking call me delusional. You know what, forget I said anything. I couldn't possibly deal with your bitch ass everyday anyways." He storms out the room, slamming the door behind him which makes my body jolt.

I don't understand why he got so angry, I was just telling him the honest truth.

I finish packing my bag and walk downstairs.

"Leaving already?" Nate asks and I nod.

"Yeah, gotta get home to my parents. But text me, we need to talk." I tell him.

"Oh shit, what did I do now."

"Nothing, just need to rant to you about something." I laugh.

"About Gilinsky." Sam walks up.

"I didn't say that."

"But the fact that he's not all over you right now does. Plus, we all heard the door slamming upstairs. You guys in another fight?" He says and Nate looks at me too, waiting for my answer.

"Something like that. But I gotta dip, so see you guys later."

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