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"I really wanna have sex tonight." I say aloud and the guys look at me.

"Wow, um. Okay." Hayes says awkwardly.

"I'm just horny as fuck right now, I don't know." I laugh, not feeling any shame at all.

"You should let me bang the shit outta you." Nate speaks up and I chuckle.

"Yeah sure." I say sarcastically and everyone laughs again.

After I finish seasoning the meat, I go outside and hand it to Sammy. He puts each piece on the grill and then closes the top.

"Babe, come get in with me." Gilinsky calls from the pool and I nod.

I go inside and call Jess, telling her that we're all just hanging out and that she should come over and bring my bathing suite and some more clothes too.

I wait for her to reply and when she says okay I walk back inside. I start walking to the bathroom when my arm gets jerk, pulling me behind the stairwell.

"What the-" i say before Johnson covers my mouth with his hand.

"Just listen."

I nod slowly, and push his hand off.

"Give me a chance. Please. Give me a chance to show you how you're suppose fine treated. Give me a chance to show you the meaning of actually love, not a toxic relationship like the one you have with Gilinsky." He says.

I look away, ignoring the fact that this is awkward as fuck.

"Please. Before you go being all in what you think is love with him, just give me a fucking chance, Bri." He continues and I shake my head.

"I can't talk about this right now." I say walking from behind the stairs. I hurry to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

I look in the mirror, grabbing at my hair, crying my eyes out. Everything is just going so wrong and it seems like I can never fix it or get it right.

After about ten minutes, I hear Jess's voice from outside and I quickly wipe my eyes. I try making it look like I never cried and I then step out.

I go over to Jess and grab my bathing suite from my her hands and run back to the bathroom and change, after that I return outside and jump into the pool.

Gilinsky swims over to me and wraps my legs around him as my back leans against the pool wall.

He leans in to kiss me, but before he fully touches my lips he pulls away again, observing my face.

"Why is your face so red? Have you been crying?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

I reach in and kiss his lips, waiting for him to respond. He immediately starts kisses back, pushing my body forward with his hand that's placed on my back.

When we pull apart, I stare at his red lips.

"That didn't answer the question." He states and we both smile.

I shy look away, seeing Johnson playing with Hayes's dog, while eyeing me.

I push Gilinsky forward and start swimming away.

"Tag, you're it. Bet ya can't catch me." I laugh and he smiles as he starts chasing me.


"Babe, what are you doing?" G says we we sit in the couch with Jess, Johnson, and Hayes sit across from us.

"What I want." I slowly start to palm him through his shorts and we lets out a shy groan. The others don't notice so I keep going.

I keep doing it and then I slip my hand under his shorts and G grabs a pillow to put on top of his shorts to cover up what we're doing.

I start going a little faster, starting to give him a hand job while he becomes a groaning mess.

Johnson looks over, instantly figuring out what we're doing. He becomes angry and snatches the pillow off.

"Are you guys fucking serious?" He says, getting up and angrily walking away.

Hayes and Jess look over and Jess rolls her eyes and gets up to go in the kitchen, while Hayes just scoots away and continues watching tv.

I pull my hand out and get up to follow Johnson.

"Hey! Wait up." I call out and he continues to smoke his cigarette as he walks.

I catch up and pull his shoulder, making him look at me.

"Don't fucking touch me with your dick cummy hands." He says.

"Then listen!"

"What? What the fuck do want? All you keep doing is rubbing the fact that you want G instead of me into my face."

"I don't owe you anything, Johnson! I can't change the fact that you caught feelings for me. That you switched routes from going to Jess to me all of a sudden! None of this is my fault and I'm tired of you and everyone one else blaming me for things I can't change." I scream at him and his face softens.

He reaches for me and I pull away from him.

"Don't touch me!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. That wasn't my intention." He says and I scoff and roll my eyes.

"Well you did. So don't try switching up now that I told you. Just go back to hating me. I honestly don't care at this point." I say as I start walking back inside the house.

I go wash my hands and then go to the kitchen to find jess. I ask to talk to her and she ignores me, walking outside where everyone is now gathered.

I follow her and then I hear Hayes talking to Sammy about a fight or something.

"Yeah, she beat Claudia's ass. It'll teach her not to talk shit anymore."

"Who beat claudia's ass?" I ask and they motion toward jess.

"Wait, Jess beat Claudia's ass? When?" I say rather loudly and Johnson's head snaps over.

"Jess hit her?" He jumps in and they all kinda go silent.

"Jess, what the fuck? Why would you fight my fucking girlfriend? Are you really that fucking jealous of her?" He tells and Jess turns back around.

"Because she tried my life and launched at me first! I don't give a flying fuck about your girlfriend! You don't even care about her! That's why you're here chasing behind Bri, not knowing that she got her ass beat." Jess argues back and Johnson runs up on her, looking like he's about to hit her.

He raises his fist back and everyone runs over, trying to push him back.

"So now you're gonna hit me! Do it, I dare you! Your scrawny ass will be on the ground just like you busted ass girlfriend was last night." Jess yells as everyone takes Johnson inside, trying to separate the two.

"Oh my god, jess-" I try and she pushes me away.

"This is all your fault. All you do is cause drama, get away from me." She says and I watch her walk away.

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