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"Please let me out of here, I need to be downstairs." I cry out.

"You don't need to see that shit right now Bri. I mean look at you, you're a mess." Sammy tells me, still blocking the bedroom door.

I sniffle as I stop pacing, finally collapsing on his bed. I run my hands through my hair roughly, thinking to myself.

I hear him smack his lips before groaning and trailing over to me.

I feel him sit beside me, wrapping his arm around me tightly.

"You'll be okay, Bri." I hear him say, his voice echoing out.

The sound of my heart rate occupies my ears as I feel my chest rising and falling very quickly. I look down at my hands, them trembling out in front of me.

My mind wonders around, the level of my panic unbearable at this point. I look up at Sammy quickly, not knowing what to do, not knowing how to stop it.

I can hear myself moan out from fear, as no words can come out. My throat feels like it's closing, each breath being sharper than a knife.

"Are you okay Bri? You don't look so good." Sammy asks me, only looking at me confused.

I reach for my throat, wrapping my own hands around it, the feeling that my breath is running out becoming more and more intense.

I stand, trying to get away, but my legs won't move, only collapse, my body hitting the floor.

I scream loudly, it piercing my own ears as I cry out. Tears stream down my face as I let out what feels like will be my last breaths ever.

"Holy shit, Bri say something!! Tell me how to help!" Sammy yells, kneeling down trying to comfort me as best as he can.

I feel my body start to lock up, it seeming like my bones won't give me the control to get back up. My body curls into a ball, me still crying out.

I can't even look at Sammy, almost as if I don't know he's there. Only my voice can cry out, causing my body to rock back and forth, corresponding together. My eyes close, leaving me in darkness, making my anxiety worst as my heart continues to sink lower and lower.


"Just fuck you bro. I trusted you. I listened to you, thinking you wanted to give me genuine advice, only for you to go behind my back. You fucking bitch." I yell across the living room, both Nash and Johnson still holding on to my arms.

Nate's face scrunches up, it evident he's in pain. I look at his swollen lip, and black eye, him struggling to even speak with them.

"You guys weren't official Hayes, what else do you want me to say!" He yells back, him clearly angry he can't return his anger on me with Swazz and Gilinsky holding back his arms.

"But we were! You didn't even think about me in any of this!" Jess stands, yelling in his face.

"Baby i-"

"Baby?" I interrupt him. "Don't even disrespect her like that, knowing damn well you were calling Bri the same shit every time you cheated on Jess with her."

Jess' arms fold as her tears continue to fall down her face. "You're a piece of shit." She grabs a cigarette out her pocket, stomping away to go back outside.

I look back up at Nate after she's out the door, him still huffing from anger.

"Look what you fucking caused."

"Still can't do shit about it. Face it Hayes, I fucked your bitch." He states, looking me dead in my eyes.

My face tightens, my body stepping forward to launch myself at him again, but Nash and Johnson's grip is too strong.

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