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Sammy really pissed me off yesterday if I'm being honest, but I'm currently on my way back to their house, we'll not Sammy's house, but everyone else's. The only reason I'm going is because Hayes is finally here. He landed last night and Johnson and Nash went to pick him up from the airport after I left.

Jess isn't coming with me because she's out doing something with Taylor, but she's gonna come by later.

"Are you in a better mood today?" Johnson laughed as he opens the door.

I walk pass him, going inside the house and I look around.

"Yeah, as long as no one fucking tries me again. But where's Hayes? I'm so excited to see him!"

"And not excited to see your boyfriend who's been in a pissy mood all day because of y'alls fight last night?"

"It's not my fault he's a dick." I say as I put my bad down on the counter.

Just then, I see all the guys coming in from the backyard, laughing and talking. Sammy's the first one who notices me. At first he smiles, but then a switch turns off in his head, causing him to roll his eyes and look away.

I don't understand why he can possibly be mad but I don't say anything.

"Oh my fucking god, Bri!" Hayes says as he runs to me and engulfs me into a hug.

"Where have you been Grier, it's been forever!"

"I've been right here." Nash laughs and I playfully stick my tongue out.

"I don't care where you are. Hayes is my favorite and we barely ever get to see each other."

Sammy scoffs and crosses his arms.

"We have so much to do. We have to go eat, go dirt biking, go to the pet store, watch movies, play games, -" I start.

"Actually, we already ate and played video games. And we already called the dirt biking range and we have a appointment at four today, for only six people." Sammy interrupts.

"But we'll call back and make it seven." Gilinsky says smiling at me.

"And we can all eat together for lunch and dinner and you and I can play more video games; along with going to the pet store and watching movies together." Hayes says as he squeezes me tighter.



"So you're telling me Hayes is still a virgin?" I whisper and Gilinsky and Nash nod.

I look back, peeking at him laughing and talking to the others outside.

"There's no way." I continue.

"He is, young Grier just doesn't have my moves." Nash laughs as he opens his beer.

"Actually he probably does have your moves, which explains why neither of y'all can get a girl."

"Haha very funny." Nash says as he walks back outside.

I jump onto to counter top and swing over the edge.

"So, what's been going on with you G?" I ask.

He laughs a little as he shrugs. "Nothing much, just chilling."

"No new hoes are skanks that I haven't met yet?"

"Nah, still single and clean of diseases."

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