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"That's all you're wearing?" Jess says when I walk downstairs in some shorts and a crop top, paired with my vans.

"We're only going to the jacks house." I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

She comes over and pulls me by the arm back upstairs to my room.

"Cone on, It's you're fucking eighteenth birthday. You can do whatever you want. You could even go out naked! Live a little!" She states as she walks back out and I sigh.

I make my way to my closet and start rummaging through my clothes.


"Damn." Hayes says as he opens the door.

I smile as I lean in and kiss him on cheek, looking at the now black and purple bruise still on his jaw.

"The guys are out back." He tells us and I nod as I make my way there.

I find Sammy, Nate, and Johnson.

"Hey!" I announce and they all hug me, telling me happy birthday.

"Where's jack?" I ask and they look at each other.

"He'll be back soon, he went to go pick something up."

I nod as I go sit next to Nate.

"You're fucking eighteen, how does it feel?" He asks me and I shrug.

"The same." I reach forward, taking a sip of the drink Johnson placed in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I state and Nate pulls my into his arms.

"Better be nothing." He smirks and I smile.


"I just got a text from jack. He said to just meet up with him since he's running behind." Johnson stands and I roll my eyes.

"Meet up with him where? The club?"

"Yeah, I guess. He just sent me a address, I'm guessing it's a club."

We all stand, walking to the cars. We pile into two separate ones; Johnson's and Sammy's.

After driving for about thirty minutes, we turn into a neighborhood full of amazingly beautiful mansions.

"Are you sure you went the right way?" I ask Johnson and he shrugs.

"I'm just following to GPS, bri."

We keep going through the large neighborhood, until Johnson pulls into the driveway of one of them, Sammy pulling up right behind us.

I sigh, knowing it's not right. Like why would Gilinsky send us here.

"Johnson, you can't just park in someone's driveway!"

"It's fine, I'm sure. Let's just stay here while we try to figure everything out." He says getting out along with everyone else. I follow as we all stand in a mini circle.

"No, I'm gonna call G and get this mess situated right now. It's his fucking fault." I say as I pull out my phone and press onto G's contact.

I rings for a couple of seconds and then I start to hear someone's phone ring. It gets louder and louder while I search the others with my eyes, trying to figure out whose phone it is.

I then feel two pair of arms snake around me from behind, their head snuzzling onto my shoulder.

"Happy birthday babygirl." He whispers into my ear and I turn around swiftly.

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