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"We've been back for two weeks, when do you think he'll talk to me, Jack?" I ask over the phone.

Jack sighs, going quiet for a minute.

"I honestly don't know, but does it really matter? You've got me to talk to."

"I know i'm in the wrong, but I don't want him to hate me forever, Jack. I need to talk to him."

"I don't know, bri. But call me later, when you wanna talk about something other than Hayes." He states.

"Cmon, Jack don't be like that-" I say as he hangs up on me.

Fuck him.

"Please tell me this isn't another boy drama you're in." My mom sighs, walking into my room.

"Yeah, something like that." I throw my phone to my bed and walk into my bathroom.

"Want some advice?"

I roll my eyes in the mirror before walking back out. "Sure, i guess."

"Find you a good man that'll be there for you no matter what." She says.

"Oh yeah, like who?"

"I don't know, but it's definitely not Jack. Find someone like how Nate treats Jess. He seems like he's very good for her." My mom explains.

"Nate and I were together first, so I doubt that's the case." I laugh to myself.

"That doesn't mean anything. He's with her now, and they seem like they're doing really good. Jess is happy and that's all that matters to me. I want to see both my daughters happy." She hugs me before she stands and exits my room.

As she leaves, my phone dings,

iMessage from JackG 🥰
come over baby, we're having a kickback tonight, but i wanna see you first
6:18 PM

I hate the fact that everyone assumes the worst of Jack. He's my baby and he'll always be my baby no matter what, but it just sucks because everyone's done with giving him chances except me.

iMessage to JackG
on my way
6:34 PM


"I'll be right back, I gotta use the bathroom." I tell everyone, standing up from the group to walk inside.

I notice Nate realizes I've walked in and shuffles something around on the table, trying to hide it.

"Don't try to hide it, I know you're smoking again." I roll my eyes slightly.

"I'm doing better tho. This'll be my first hit this week." He states, pulling it back out as he starts folding again.

Just then Hayes comes through the front door. I'm surprised he'd actually show up, considering he hasn't been returning my calls in weeks.

He walks past the bar, jogging up the stairs, probably to get something out the guest room where he's staying.

I completely forget i'm talking to Nate and start for the stairs to follow Hayes.

I make it to his room, where i reach for the door handle finding that it's not locked.

I push my way in, Hayes currently just in his boxers trying to find something in his suite case to change into.

His head looks back at me, before turning back around. "Get out, Bri." He states, not looking at me.

"Can we please talk, Hayes?" I ask, shutting the door behind me.

"Get the fuck out, bro. Like deadass." He says harshly. He slips on some shorts, still not making any sort of eye contact with me.

I walk near him reaching out to touch his arm, wanting him to acknowledge me.

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