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"Now I see why Sammy had to beg for you to blow him off." G says as I play with his fingers.

His strong arms are wrapped around me from behind as the sun coming through his curtains shines on us.

I turn my body around so I'm facing him. I kiss him making him smile.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks as I admire his facial features.

"The best I have in a while. I always get the best sleep when I'm with you."

He leans forward to kiss me again. "I want to be able to wake up to you everyday." He whispers and I nod.

"Me too. I want it to just be us sometimes, but as a couple."

"Good because you're mine now and I'm not letting you slip away again." He smiles and I can feel myself getting butterflies.

Jess's POV

"Good morning." I whisper as I turn over to Johnson as he scrolls on his phone.

He locks it and then scoots closer to me, pushing me against his chest.


We lay together for a little as he strokes my hair.

"Thanks for letting me crash here last night. I honestly didn't wanna intrude on my sister's wild night with Gilinsky." I giggle as I sit up.

"Well everyone knows our walls aren't moan proof so they should've known we'd hear." He laughs.

He gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom when I noticed his phone starts ringing.

I look at the caller id and my eyebrows furrow.

Incoming call from "💜"

When he walks out, he looks at the screen, then back at me. He silences it and shoves the phone in his pocket.

"It's just, my uh mom. But anyways, you have that event today right?" He says and I nod.

"Well you better go wake up Swazz, you guys probably have a lot to do before it starts." He continues as he pulls on my arm, making me get out of bed.

"Yeah, you're right and plus you have a busy day with helping your friend." I say as I grab the shirt I wore yesterday and slide it over my tank top.

"Wait, what?" He says and I laugh.

"Don't you have to help your friend out with something, which is why you didn't volunteer to go to the event with me?"

His eyes widen and he then nods his head frantically.

"Well, um I'll talk to you later I guess." I say as I wave and walk out his room.

I know he said he wouldn't stop trying until I'm his girlfriend, but it seems like he's not trying at all these days.

After we heard Bri and G fucking around last night and I asked to sleep in his room with him, I thought it was a obvious hint that I wanted something to happen, but all that happened was us cuddling together and then falling asleep.

I just feel like I put my other possible relationships on hold for Johnson, one of them including Taylor, and he's not even taking any opportunities I'm throwing his way.

After thinking in the empty hallway, I go to Swazz's room and wake him up.

I sit on the edge of his bed and wait for him to turn around.

"Hey, so do you wanna stop by my house later to leave together or did you wanna meet there?" I ask him as he rubs his sleepy eyes.

"Why don't you just get ready here since you're sister's here. Like I doubt she's gonna leave G after the night they had." He laughs and I shrug.

"Johnson and I only heard a little, but what did you hear?"

"Considering my room is right next to his, I pretty much heard everything. But back to you, did you want me to come pick you up from your house later or...?" He says, now balancing himself on his elbows.

"Well all my makeup and clothes are over there so yeah, that'd be great. And then Bri could ride with you to get dropped off at home or G can take her. But thanks Swazz, love ya bud." I lean forward to kiss him on the cheek as I head downstairs to the car.

Bri's POV

"You need to shave." I tell G as I rub his back for him.

"I will tomorrow." He mumbles with his head turned away from me watching tv.

"Then don't kiss me anymore today. I hate mustaches and beards." I say when there's a knock on the door.

"Yo, y'all aren't like making out or some shit right?" We hear Johnson say from the closed door and Gilinsky yells no, making him come in.

"What's up JJ?" I say and he jumps on the bed.

"Yo, c'mon bro, we were comfortable." Gilinsky says as he now repositions his feet because Johnson landed on them.

"Yeah, a little to comfortable; so how about I just squeeze through here, and let her hold onto me instead of you for once." He says as he gets in between us and wraps his arms around me.

I laugh at how Gilinsky's face tenses up as he moves away from Johnson.

"What do you want?" He says.

"Awe, why? Am I interrupting you're precious time with Bri, even though we all know you spent enough time with her last night when you ate her out and let her suck your micro penis." Johnson says in a baby voice making me hit him and laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, bro. Just say what you came in here for and skeet." G says as he gets off the bed and goes into the bathroom.

"Oh just like you skeeted last night in Bri? Yeah don't fucking play with me G." Johnson yells.

"Haha very funny, you fucking bitch." G yells back.

"But anyways, I actually came in here to talk to you sis." Johnson says looking at me.

I nod, letting him know I'm listening.

"Look, I tried. I really did, but I just couldn't tell Jess about this other girl situation." He starts and I give him a look.

"I know, I know. But I can't just say shit like that to her face. Maybe over text or some shit."

"Don't do it over text, it makes it hurt worst. Trust me I'd know." I mumble and then I look at his light blue eyes and sigh.

"Do you really like this girl?" I ask.

"Yeah, I do. But I also really like Jess and I don't wanna hurt her."

"Which one do you like more though?" G yells from the bathroom.

"I don't know. I thought it was Jess, but then I kept hanging out with this girl and vibing with her and now I feel like she could be the one." He says and my stomach flutters.

He's being so sweet and caring, just toward the wrong girl. That should be Jess he's talking about.

"Of course my opinion is biased, considering one of the girls is my sister, but don't just give up on Jess. You told her you'd try and it seems like you haven't been." I say while Gilinsky comes out the bathroom.

"Clean cut." He says referring to his now shaved stubble that was on his chin. He rubs his hands over his chin as he comes over to me.

"Now I can kiss you all I want." He hovers my body, pecking my lips constantly.

"Okay, that's my cue to leave. See you guys later." Johnson says while walking out the room.

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