The Words That Form

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Source Of Idea: A Tumblr post I'm too lazy to find again sorry

Universe: Pen writing AU (Whenever you write something on your skin, your soulmate can see it too)

Trigger Warning: Slight mentions of cutting & depression

Bold writing means Lapis's writing
Italicized writing means Peridot's writing


Peridot excitedly rushed out the tech shop, heading for the nearest bus stop. She already had a pen clutched in her hand, ready to try something new. Today, in the shop, a few customers talked about how soulmates are connected in this universe. If you wrote on your arm, your soulmate can see it too, and vice versa. This explained why as a kid, Peridot always found her arms and legs covered in intricate doodles of red.

Sitting on a seat, Peridot made sure no one else was coming onto the bus so she sat alone in her seat. She slowly opened the cap. What if this wasn't true? What if Peridot was being gullible? Slowly, Peridot wrote on her left arm in black ink, Hello. Sighing, Peridot looked out the window. What if she didn't actually have a soulmate and those drawings were just figments of her large imagination? Many times before Peridot had accidentally mixed memories with dreams.

Peridot's attention was drawn down to her arm, which stared tingling. Peridot gaped as blue words appeared on her arm.
You finally answered, huh? Smiling widely, Peridot grabbed her black pen.
You should be glad I ever answered at all. Now there were three rows of words on Peridot's arm. Looking up, Peridot realized her stop was here, and she stepped off. Her arm tingled with more words.
Yeah yeah, well you're here, so shut up. Peridot imagined a blank face crossing it's arms, looking to the side. Giggling, Peridot grabbed her pen, accidentally grabbing her neon green one.
I'll write to you more later.


Lapis stared at her arm. The neon green looked back at her, as if taunting her. She wanted to talk more to her soulmate. When her soulmate had written on their arm in green ink, Lapis noticed how nice the green looked next to her blue ink. Lapis wanted to feel the tingling again. Shaking her head, Lapis went to go take a shower and wash the ink off her arm, even if earlier she was in the pool.

One thought came up as Lapis washed her blue silky hair. That shade of ink seemed familiar.

When Lapis got out of the shower, she wore a long sleeved shirt, since the ink of her soulmate still marked her skin. The normal creak of the door notified Lapis that her roommate was home from her job at the local tech shop. Lapis giggled slightly when she heard a thump and a series of curses.
"Hey Lapis, I'm home-" her roommate was cut off by Lapis chuckling.
"You act like you didn't just trip and curse at a piece of furniture." Her roomate mock gasped, placing a hand on her chest.
"Like the Great Peridot would ever do such a thing! It was the wall, thank you very much," Peridot quipped, a smile tugging at her lips.

Peridot went over to the kitchen to grab a quick snack while Lapis sat on the sofa in the living room. The blue haired girl stared at her sleeve that covered the words that still marked her skin. When Peridot had made her instant ramen, she walked over and sat next to the tan girl. The blonde noticed Lapis was wearing long sleeves, and immediately Peridot worried.

The last time Lapis had worn sleeves, she was cutting herself. She had been in a state of self-hatred, anxiety, and depression. When Lapis had been in this hard phase of her life, she constantly wore long sleeves and sweaters to hide her scars. The fact Lapis had worn long sleeves again raised the short blonde's worry.
"Lapis?" Peridot muttered as she waited for her noodles to cool down.
"Hmm?" Lapis looked up from her arm.
"Why are you wearing long sleeves?"
"I'm cold." In Lapis's defense, it was cold outside.
"That better be true," Peridot mumbled, eating her noodles.
"I'm going to my room," Lapis blurted as she stood up, walking into her room. Peridot squinted at Lapis's door suspiciously.

When Lapis had sat down on her bottom half of the bunk bed, she grabbed her blue pen, and wrote on her arm.


     Peridot felt the tingling again as she ate.
Hey. Next to the hey, Peridot's soulmate had drawn a smiley face. Smiling, the short girl grabbed the first pen that she found in her pocket and responded. Hello again, soulmate.


     It had been a month, and Peridot and her soulmate had fallen into a rhythm as the weather got warmer. Her soulmate said to call her Lazuli, while they were told to call Peridot Dot.
     Hey Dot, what's up? Peridot smiled at her soulmate's slightly sloppy handwriting.
     Well, one thing is it's a Pixar movie about- Peridot's small neat writing was interrupted by the tingling.
     Oh my god you dork.


     Lapis nodded as her friend talked to her about the swim meet details. She wrote down on her arm the time and location.
     Beach City pool - 6:00

     She didn't notice the words that popped up after.
     I'll meet you there, Lazuli.


     Peridot rushed onto the bus. She glanced down at her arm. Ten minutes. Ten minutes and her soulmate would be at the Beach City pool. What a coincidence too, her soulmate was in the same town as her!

     When Peridot had run inside, Peridot looked for a girl with the ink. Another great thing, Lapis was here too! Lapis could meet this person named "Lazuli"! Peridot sat down on the bleachers, scanning everyone in the pool.

     When Lapis had finished swimming, Peridot rushed down to her. Lapis seemed distracted, mumbling something about "they're here", looking around the pool.
     "Hey Lapis, guess what?" Peridot asked excitedly, smiling. Lapis ruffled her blue hair as the two girls walked to the closest bus stop.
     "Hmm?" Lapis looked down at Peridot with those blue eyes.
     "I'm trying to find my soulmate!" Peridot announced.
     "I am too," Lapis replied, "weird."
     "Yeah, I'm trying to find a Lazuli." When Peridot had said Lazuli, Lapis whipped her head down, her eyes wide.
     "A Lazuli, huh?" Lapis whispered. "Do you happen to know a Dot?"


     Peridot couldn't believe it.

     Lapis was Lazuli. She should've seen it from a mile away.

     Lapis Lazuli, her roommate, was also her soulmate.

     Why was Peridot so blind?

     It didn't matter now.

     All Peridot knew was that dating Lapis felt good.


I'm so sorry for not posting as often on here! My motivation has gone to shambles, and I'm having a hard time reading, writing, drawing, anything really

I feel like shit, basically.

I'm sorry this chapter is probably not as good as others, I just needed to get something out.

Thanks for reading guys, if you like this, give it a vote?

Jeez I need to get my life in order

I sound like I'm making excuses ahh sorry
- AsianDragonQueen

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