*****Time skip to after dinner
After a boring hour of disc golf, and hour of swimming and dinner it was time for gaphi. I am starting to like gaphi a lot because this is the time I get to see Riley, Emma, and Flora. Now that I am in the Pine cabin I am surrounded by boys which is okay at some points but it is nice to be able to be around people my own gender sometimes. Ethan still sits with me because he can but that's the exception because I love him.
Anyways right now we are sitting in our spot near the Mulberry Yurt away from everybody else so that way we don't get hit by anybody playing other games. We decided that we were going to play truth or truth while making bracelets. We would play truth or dare but because its a Christian camp we thought it would be a little inappropriate especially with Ethan with us so we thought truth or truth would be better. It's Riley's turn to ask someone.
"Quantum," she starts with a smirk, " Are you in a relationship with anybody at the camp?"
Really Riley, I thought. You already know the answer to this question so why do you need to ask him in front of everybody. I look to Ethan and see him glancing at me without trying to make it obvious. I roll my eyes letting him know to tell the truth about him being in a relationship because I know Riley will say something about the fact that he is lying.
He nods his head and looks down. All three of them squeal a little because this is the first gossip at camp they have probably gotten this week.
"Who?" Emma asked all giddy.
"Only one question remember?" Ethan said with a devious smirk.
I laugh and nudge Ethan. "Your turn." I say.
He looks around to all the other girls and then looks back at me.
"I have question for all of you?" He says. "You all have to answer truthfully and it's just a random question. It's not going to get you in trouble because what is said at this circle stays here, got it?"
We all nod a little confused. "Okay," he starts, "What male counselor do you think is cute? Which one would you date if you could?"
All our eyes go wide. A counselor is asking a question like that? Mind you this said counselor is also having a secret relationship with a camper and technically a minor. Besides that, what am I going to say? If I say Ethan then the rest of the girls are going to be surprised and then they are probably going to question why I said it right in front of him like that, and if they are really smart they will figure out that Ethan and I are dating and that why I was so comfortable saying his name. But if I say another counselor Ethan is either know I am lying or he is going to take it the wrong way and think I like someone else. He would be so easy to believe it to because since we started dating Sunday both him and I have been scared that each other are going to break it off. What the hell do I do?
"Umm, does it have to be someone who is here now?" I ask. I have a plan. It's probably going to make Ethan jealous but I would rather pick someone he probably doesn't know or doesn't remember then someone he knows.
"No, I guess it could be any male counselor you remember from when you started here. But I hope if you started in Sprouts you didn't have a crush on anybody because that's really young Riley." He answered.
"I don't even remember any counselors when I was in sprouts. Male or female." I said. Riley nodded in agreement. The rest of the girls think for another few minutes and then finally they all have an answer.
"Okay, we can go around the circle." Ethan says. This means its Riley, Flora, Emma and then lastly me. Great.
"I thought that Beta was cute." Riley answers. I nod my head. Honestly I had to agree. I thought Beta was really attractive last year. Beta was a third year counselor that was in charge of the rock wall. I've know him since 2012 but last year was when I got close to him. He was the one who got me to go on the zip line. He told me all I had to do was climb up the pole to the zip line and then I can come back down. When I got to the top he told me the only way to get down was to the zip line. The other counselor hooked me up and I wet down after yelling at Beta for ten minutes. When I got to the bottom Beta gave me a hug and walked me back to my cabin. It was the best ever. So yea at the time I thought that Beta was cute and I 100% had a crush on him. But I'm over it now.
"I thought that Talon was attractive." Flora says. Again I had to agree. I thought he was four years ago. I met Talon in 2011 but I really got to know him in 2012 when he was the LIT leader. My cabin at the time had an inside joke that we would try to find out who my counselor was dating. A lot of the girls thought it was some other counselor but one of the girls thought it was Talon. I kind of got upset about that because I looked up to Talon and I just didn't want him to be dating my counselor. My counselor saw that and accused me of having a crush on him. I did but I wasn't going to admit it. I had this small fit about it where I was half joking and since then I had a nickname about that which I don't quite remember anymore.
"Well since this my first year, I have to pick someone from this year, and I pick Arctic." Emma replied. My eyes went wide. I looked at Emma with a face of disgust. She saw it."What's wrong Riley? Do you have a crush on him?" Emma asked. Riley and Flora looked at Emma while Ethan looked at me surprised. I shook my head.
"No," I said. "Arctic is my Uncle."
The girls and Ethan looked at me really surprised. Then I realized how I said it and sighed. They think Arctic is actually my Uncle. Oops.
"Okay so four years ago I was at camp this same week. I was in Huckleberry and my next door neighbour cabin was Arctic and Gopher in a boy cabin. At the beach it was a thing that one of the male counselors would let the all the kids jump on them and try to get the counselor to fall in the water. This year Arctic took the job. So I was one of those kids who would try and I got on Arctic's back. Instead of trying to get me off, he walked away and started talking to other counselors. He told counselors that he was my Uncle and people started to believe it, it kind of just stuck to him. So from then on he was Uncle Arctic and I was his niece. That's why I think its gross. He is my fake family." I explain to all of them. The girls nod in understanding and Ethan smiles.
"Well it's not going to change my answer, Riley. He's cute." Emma says. Riley nods her head in what I assume is agreement.
"Whatever. Still gross." I say rolling my eyes.
"Anyways, Riley its your turn." Flora tells me. All eyes are on me and I sigh.
"So in 2011 there was this counselor. His name was Codex. He was my brother's counselor. Anyways that year my brother lost his sunscreen and got really burned. He also ate way to much food and all of it caught up to him and he threw up on his bed. Codex and Talon (his other counselor) helped clean up everything and made sure he was okay. Codex mostly did this and notified me what was going on. Also he watched over Wyatt for the rest of the week. At one point that week my brother was feeling home sick so Codex decided to get my counselor to let me stay up later to write a letter with my brother for my parents. We stayed up until 11:00pm which usually your not supposed to do here. After that I got a crush on him and got close to him. He would make jokes and play with Wyatt and I. He was the first counselor I ever trusted at camp." I said to all of them.
The girls made and aww noise while Ethan looked stone cold. His face was emotionless and it scared me. What if he thought something? I mean that crush on Codex was years ago. And I have also had crushes at school. So he can't be mad at me. Can he?

Summer Love
RandomA fifteen year old girl named Riley life at camp and her secret relationship with her counselor. It shows how she is able to be with her counselor even though they both know what they are doing is wrong. She has the help from her friend and brother...