******just after dinner*****
"Well, I guess you were right Riley and Josh," Ethan said, "We had both Pizza casarole and Caeser salad."
"I know the Caeser Salad was amazing!" I said with a smile on my face. Ethan laughed a little bit holding my arm in his a little bit tighter.
We were walking back to the cabin to put on warmer clothes as it was getting colder because the sun was slowly setting. The boys went in first just in case they were changing pants or anything leaving Sirius, Ethan and I outside. Once the boys were done Sirius followed them to Cabin Hill while Ethan and I went inside the cabin.
He shut the door and turned around. I walked up to him and he grabbed my cheeks like always bringing his lips to mine. He brushed his tongue along my lips asking for entrance which I allowed right away. I then jumped up for him to catch me with his hands. I brought my hands up to his hair entangling them with it. I tugged on his hair a bit getting him to moan in the back of his throat. He walked over to his bed laying me on it and climbing on top. He takes off his shirt and I take off my shirt. We keep going until Ethan tugs at my waist band of my shorts.
I break away and Ethan scrunches up his face in confusion.
"What's wrong Angel?" He asked slowly climbing off.
I sighed. " I was going to tell you sooner but I didn't know when the right time would be." I started. He hand gestured for me to continue.
"Anyways, you know at the beach where I said that Arctic just wanted sex and that you didn't. Well I guess as was wrong in that sense but besides that, I was hoping you wouldn't care to have sex because..." I stop. I don't want him to break up with me. I have never been in a relationship so I have never had to tell anybody this but now that I do I don't want him to get upset and end it.
"What is it Ri?" He encourages.
"I'm asexual." I stumble out. I put my head in my hands and start to cry. What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore because he knows I don't really ever want to have sex. I mean I've never experienced sex before but it always grosses me out talking about it. I always sound like a little kid when people talk about any of that. What if he is like every other boy that will either get mad because now he wont be able to have sex with out cheating, or will masturbate instead. Honestly masturbating grosses me out to. It makes me think that everyone is dirty and no one is clean.
All of a sudden, the bed lifts up a little bit and Ethan kneels down in front of me and removes my hands from my face.
"Angel, it's okay. We don't need to have sex. I actually wasn't planning on having sex now or in the near future with you. Firstly, because I could get in trouble for a number of reasons. Secondly, because I actually believe in waiting until marriage." Ethan says cupping my face.
"Really? Also Ethan you aren't just saying this and then cheat on me, or resort in masturbating are you? Because both are disgusting to me." I say.
"Hun, I would never think to cheat on you. I love you too much for that. And as for masturbating, that's freaking disgusting." He tells me.
I smile and kiss him on the lips. "I love you so much Ethan."
" I love you too Riley." He reconnects are lips. I bring my hands back to his hair tugging on it again. All of a sudden someone clears there throat making Ethan literally shoot to the other side of the room. I turn to the door to see my brother with the most disgusted face.
"Okay I said I was good with this relationship but that doesn't mean you guys can just go around making out all the time in places you could get caught. What if someone else walked in?" He questioned.
"Well, I mean, Riley, Flora, Emma, and Arctic knows about us." Ethan replied. My brother nodded his head grabbed his hat and left the cabin. Once the door slammed shut I started laughing.
"What are you laughing at?" Ethan asked.
"I don't know, I just find it funny that my brother scared that crap out of you causing you to fly to the other side of the cabin." I said still laughing. Ethan came over to me wrapping his arms around my waist and pulled me in making my head plant right into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up. He looked down and kissed my nose.
We broke apart and went to our bags. I put on the Quantum sweater that Ethan had and grabbed my pjs putting them and my toothbrush in Ethan's bag. I then changed into my running shoes. I grabbed my bug spray walking outside so I can spray it on my skin. Once I was finished I opened the door tossing the can on Ethan's bed and waiting outside for Ethan. Once he walked out of the cabin we walked over to the Mulberry Cabin where Riley, Flora, and Emma were sitting working on there bracelets. We sat down taking out our bracelets out of Ethan's bag and kept working on them. We talked to the girls about what we did that day until Gaphi was over.

Summer Love
RandomA fifteen year old girl named Riley life at camp and her secret relationship with her counselor. It shows how she is able to be with her counselor even though they both know what they are doing is wrong. She has the help from her friend and brother...