Swim time*****
The boys and I were walking to the cabin from a game on the field of dreams, going to get ready for free swim. I ran ahead to grab my and Ethan's bathing suits and our towels so we can go change in the bathroom.
By the time the boys are over at the cabin I'm all the way done the ramp waiting for Ethan. He smiles at me as we link arms and make our way to the hill washrooms.
Once we get changed we go down the stairs to the beach and pick a spot for the cabin to sit. We put our towels down and run into the water. I hop on Ethan's back as he walks over to the group of counselors like before.
"Hey Quantum, hey Riley." Arctic said, acknowledging the two of us. I wave as Ethan replies back. I get off Ethan's back and stand beside him. I zone out while they are all talking about work and whats happened throughout the day to each of them. I zone back on when Erhan nudges me and points over to Titan.
"Pardon?" I ask.
"How has your day been Riley?"
He asked."It fine. I got hurt but I am fine now." I explain quickly.
Ethan looks down at me while grabbing my hand underwater and squeezing.
I start walking away dragging Ethan along with me and making my way to the shore. We walk out of the water and back to our towels. The other boys have their towels around ours and probably went over to the shore to skip rocks.
"What do you want to do for the last twenty minutes Ri?" Ethan asked. I thought for a second about that. I wanted to do something but I was getting cold so I just wanted to sit with Ethan and warm up from the cold water.
"Can we sit here and warm up? We can sit and do something together." I offered. He smiled and sat down on his extra towel with his first one wrapped around him. He then patted the spot next to him for me to sit down. I faced him and looked into his eyes. He looked back.
"I love you, do you know that Ethan. I really love and I can't enough of it." I said to him while we kept our eye contact.
"Where did this come from?" He asked. I sighed.
"I just can't it through my head that you and I are together. Like I've said before, not a lot of people want to date me and as much as it may be upsetting, I was used to it. I never really knew what it felt to kiss someone, to be able trust someone so much, or to have someone who can make your day so much better. Now that I do, it make me so happy and don't want it to ever go away." I explain.
"If I could Riley, I would kiss you and hold you tight to make sure you never ever leave me because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Yea, sure, I had a few other girlfriends, but it never lasted long so I'm really going for this time to be different because I already know that I love you a lot. " He replied. He looked at the time. "Ri, we gotta get going. There is 10 minutes before the horn goes for the end of free swim so if we go now we might be able to change quickly before the boys come up. Is there sand on your legs or can you just rub it off?"
"I can just rub it off." I got up, brushed off the sand, put my Birkenstocks on, grabbed my stuff and started to make my way up the stairs with Ethan. Let me tell you these stairs are brutal. I have bad knees so it makes it even worse for me because my knees start to make it harder to get up all these flights of stairs.
Once we got to the top we quickly walked to the cabin across the hill. We got to the cabin, rushed in and grabbed clothes. I grabbed my red orange jean shorts with my gray tank top and my undergarments. I quickly took off the top half of my bathing suit and put my bra with my tank top. Then I took off the bottom half and put my underwear and short on. Then I grabbed my black belt to make sure the short stay up. Then I brushed my hair getting out all the beach knots out leaving my hair wavy and wet. I put my Montreal Canadians hat on and put my Birkenstocks back on. I then turned around to see if Ethan was done to see Ethan putting his sweater on.
"Can I borrow a sweater Ethan?" I asked with my puppy dog eyes.
"Which one?" He asked, "My light blue Montreal Canadians sweater or my black hoodie with my last name on it?"
"I'll take the latter." I reply. He throws it too me. I put it on. I go over to him taking his Axe body spray from his hands spraying a little on myself to make me smell like him. I then look up at him and bring my hands covered by the oversized sweater up to my face underneath my chin and smile. He brings his hands to my cheeks kissing me lightly on the lips.
"You look so freaking adorable with my sweater on? You like a little kid. It doesn't help that you are short."
"I AM NOT SHORT!!!" I yell in an annoyed kids voice.
"See! Adorable." I sigh and grab Ethan's hand making my way out of the cabin. When we walk out the door we let got of each others hands but link our arms together. We look towards the beach stairs and see boys making their way over to the cabin. We wait for them to come to the ramp. Once Sirius gets over to the ramp Ethan tells him that we are going to wait at the lodge and that any boy that is finished getting dressed can come over to the lodge to wash their hands. We then walk over to the lodge and wash our hands. We find out that we eating outside again tonight, and make our way over to our bench to wait for dinner.

Summer Love
RandomA fifteen year old girl named Riley life at camp and her secret relationship with her counselor. It shows how she is able to be with her counselor even though they both know what they are doing is wrong. She has the help from her friend and brother...