Chapter 1- 18

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Rowan woke to the sound of her screaming alarm clock. Screamo, black veil brides, knives and pens. Quite a shock! It was six thirty, again. She rolled over with a sigh only to find she had rolled off her bed and onto the cold, wooden floor. She slumped over to her oak bedroom door, took a pen in her hand and marked her calender. 12th of july. Her birthday. She hated birthdays. They just seemed a load of mumbo jumbo.
"Happy birthday darling!" her mum rejoiced, bursting into the room, almost wacking Rowan in the face with the door.
"Mum i told you, i don't want anyone making a fuss! It is just another normal day."
"Nonsense!" her mum retorted.
"It is the day my beautiful baby was born!"
She leaned in for a huge bear hug but Rowan quickly dodged her.
"Mum, can you leave? I need to get ready for school."
"Sure darling, i'll see you downstairs." her mum bustled out of the room, curly hair bouncing as she walked. She was a lovely woman she could just be a bit over the top sometimes. Rowan sat at her dresser as she did her repetative routine.
"I wish my life wasn't so boring. It is just same old same old all the time."
She slung her bag over her shoulder and hurried down the stairs. She grabbed her lunch, a slice of toast and ran out of the back door, trying to avoid her mum's sloppy kisses and choking embrace. She sat at the bus stop. Eight o'clock. Right on time. She found an empty seat by the window, put in her headphones and hoped to avoid all conversation. She selected heavy rock music, leaned her head against the window's glass and closed her eyes. A sharp shake hit her shoulder. She looked up to see her best friend Sam's eyes. Brown and gentle. His hair hazel and tussled, almost like he hadn't brushed it.
"Hey. You look like a mess" Rowan teased.
"yeah yeah." Sam mumbled.
"My alarm didn't go off and then i couldn't find my shirt" Rowan looked down at his coffee stained, untucked polo.
"Doing anything for your birthday?" he asked, nudging her in the side, tauntingly.
"Shhh!"Rowan hushed, clasping her hand over his mouth.
"All right all right!" He spluttered, ripping her hand off his mouth.
"I just thought you know, eighteen, big year. The big one eight! It is a time for celebration! Freedom and legally allowed to drink as much booze as you like, not like that stopped you anyway!"
"I would have a party but my mum would make everything pink with party bags and a barbie cake" Rowan answered.
"I suppose" Sam admitted in exasperation.
"Hey! I heared there is a party down on St. Avons beach! We could go there and save the humiluation of your mum singing happy birthday and mortally crushing your social life" Sam said cheerfully.
"I'll think about it" Rowan muttered. She had realised by now that she would have to go and at least she wouldn't have to deal with her explosively loving mother. Rowan and Sam hopped off the bus and slumped down the hallway.
"Oh shit, bitch at three o'clock" Rowan muttered under her breath.
It was Chelsea Mathews. She was the all round fuckable social super star of the school and all the guys wanted her. Even the gay ones.
"It's her party Rowan so if you want to avoid your mother breathing down your neck avoid sarcky remarks and tell your inner diva to shut up for a minute please! I need to get away from my alcoholic mother too mind!"
"Fine" Rowan huffed.
"Hey Chelsea!"
"Oh hey there Rowan! Coming to my party tonight? Loads of buzz, booze and boys!". Her loud chewing made Rowan cringe but she continued,
"Sure, sounds like a hoot!" Rowan remarked sarcastically. Sam gave her a warning glare.
"Cool! See you there!"
The sound of her five inch stelletoes clanging against the floor echoed down the hall.
"Could her skirt be any shorter?!" Rowan exclaimed.
"If it was any shorter she would have two more cheeks to powder!"
"I know. If anything she should be getting her clevage out instead, no one wants to see her ass!" Sam joked.
Rowan shook her head as they trotted down the hall to class. "Horney bastard."

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