Chapter 25- I know.

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Rowan quickly placed the pregnancy test in a secret draw and locked it. She tried to calm herself but she couldnt stop worrying. She had to defeat a demon whilst pregnant with the child of the man who turned her into a mermaid and put all this stress on her in the first place. But also the man she loved and wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Her phone buzzed. She picked it up and gazed at the screen. It was a text from her mum and it read;
"My darling daughter. I know i have kept too many secrets and im sorry about that. I can never stay in one place too long or i will be discovered. I only left Cal because i was pregnant with you. I wanted you to live a normal life. Not that it counts for much. But i must leave. I am returning back to the ocean where i belong. I am sorry Rowan. I just cant keep living like this. I hope we will meet again in the future. Love mum." Rowan collapsed on the floor in a heap of tears. She sobbed loudly into her blanket as tears streamed down her face. Some went down her nose, some went into her mouth. Her mum was leaving her. Just as she left Cal. As if her life couldnt get any worse. Cal came running up the stairs with Vanessa and Lisa close behind. He burst into the room and crashed onto the floor beside her. He wrapped his arms around her as Vanessa picked up Rowan's phone and read the text.
"Her mum has left her." Vanessa spoke outloud still reading the text. Rowan sobbed louder. She was broken. She had finally snapped.
"Rowan i am so sorry." Lisa sat next to her and wrapped her arms around her too.
"What a bitch." Vanessa complained, still looking at the phone screen.
"Thanks Vanessa we didnt need you to confirm it." Cal scolded. Vanessa finally lifted her eyes from the screen but her eyes imediately landed on Rowan. Her eyes would not leave Rowan's teary eyes.
"Im okay i just want this all to be over." Rowan cried leaning into Cal and resting her head on his chest. She could hear his heart. It was beating fast with worry.
"No one describes their parents abandoning them as fine." Lisa said looking at Rowan with pity.
"How would you know you never met yours." Cal answered back.
"Stop!" Rowan shouted, standing up breaking free from Cal's arms.
"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Rowan cried as she calmed herself down. Less tears were pouring down her face now.
"My mum abandoned me. It was gonna happen eventually i just didnt think it would be right now. It is a big deal and yes i will probably never get over it. But right now we have to kill a demon. So will you all shut the fuck up, stop arguing and cooperate!?" Rowan yelled. Cal's face was calm and undertanding and so was Lisa's. Vanessa though was still staring at her without saying a word.
"Vanessa can we have the shard now?" Cal asked. Vanessa's stare broke away from Rowan as she turned her gaze to him.
"Not yet. It needs 24 hours to be cleansed."
"Do you want to sleep over then?" Rowan asked politely. Vanessa stared at Rowan with what almost looked like hate. She smiled and calmly said;
"I'd love to."
"I'll go get a sleeping bag from downstairs." Cal offered getting up and heading down the stairs.
"I'll get you a pillow." Lisa chimed also heading downstairs to the airing cupboard.
"I'll go get you a blanket." Rowan offered trying to avoid an awkward encounter. But before she could walk away Vanessa grabbed her arm.
"Why havent you told him?" Vanessa asked curiously but grimly at the same time.
"Told him what?" Rowan questioned but she already knew what she was talking about.
"That you are carrying his child?"
"Everything is stressful enough. He would never let me do this if he knew. Please you cannot tell him." Rowan pleaded.
"Well i can tell him but i wont." Vanessa corrected. She smiled at Rowan almost joyfully for the first time since the library.

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