Chapter 19- you smell like Cal

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Rowan sat down on the sofa next to Lisa and made casual conversation so Cal could sneak into the kitchen. He slowly sauntered over and sat down on the couch as if he had been there the entire time.
"Hey Cal. I heared your apology was a good one. It better have been."  Lisa warned.
"Oh it was." Rowan reminiced in the moment of Cal laying on top of her and his soft lips caressing hers. As she snapped back into reality she glanced at Cal briefly and then returned her gaze to Lisa.
"Good." Lisa shuffled closer to her but stopped. She sniffed Rowan and then Cal.
"Cal do you wear hugo boss?" Lisa asked.
"Yeah.." Cal said slowly.
"And thats mens perfume right?" Lisa asked again.
"Yeah otherwise why would i wear it?" Cal asked. He was nervous. His voice didnt say so but his face did. His brow was furrowed and his lips were pressed together.
"Its not that im just wondering why Rowan is wearing it too." Lisa judged.
"Crap she knows."
"Calm down. Dont let her think that."
"I hugged Rowan. It was part of my big apology." Cal stated calmly.
"Like thats not obvious."
"Really?" Lisa asked. One of her eyebrows were raised accusingly.
"Um... Yeah. Big apology right. Anyone want food?" Rowan asked changing the subject.
"Um i'll have a lemonade please." Lisa chimed.
"I'll just have some water please. My mouth is very dry." Cal grinned.
"Stop smiling Lisa's watching!"
Cal turned around and picked up the TV remote.
"I dont want food, i want Cal"
"Trust me i want you too"  Rowan turned around and saw Cal stirring but still facing the television screen. Rowan brought the snacks in and placed them carefully on the table. Lisa leaned forward and picked her lemonade off the tray.
"So Rowan. How many times have you transformed?" Lisa asked turning to face her. Cal turned now too for he was actually interested. He raised his eyebrows at her to encourage Rowan to answer.
"Well... There was once in my kitchen, and then the other time in the school when you found me in the toilet. You didnt know about me then so to get rid of you i threw toilet role at you." Rowan smiled cheekily at Lisa. Cal choked on his water and burst out laughing, in fact he was laughing so hard he couldnt breath and kept smacking his hand on his leg. Lisa's jaw dropped open and then she pointed her finger at Rowan.
"That was you?" Lisa started. Her voice was angry so Cal interupted before she could go off on one.
"Thats pretty good. Plus all the other times you've had a shower and stuff." he shuffled in his seat to deter the longing feeling to grab her and pull her onto the rug and make out with her and um....
"Yeah." Rowan answered. Lisa's gaze turned to the clock on the wall. It was 11:03.
"Time for bed guys. School tomorrow."
"Bed, right." Cal shuffled again before standing up. Rowan stood next to him and looked to Lisa.
"You head up, me and Cal will lock all the doors and shut the windows."
"Okay!" Lisa jollied before running up the stairs. She was asleep in seconds. The minute she was out cold Rowan grabbed Cal by the back of the neck and pressed her mouth onto his partially parted lips. He was about to speak but whatever it was it could wait. They stood in the living room kissing and feeling eachothers bodies against their own before Rowan pulled away and sat down. Her legs were parted and she leaned forward on her elbows. Cal knelt down infront of her, taking hold of her trembling hands. His were shaking too but not as vigorously. She lifted his shirt but stopped by his armpits so she could admire his body. She slid her hand down his front making him breath harder and his muscles shake with the urge to take her. She slid forward on the seat until her crotch met his v-lines. about an hour or so later Rowan got dressed again and gestured her head towards the stairs, Cal understood. He picked up his clothes and headed up. Rowan locked the doors, and headed up the stairs quietly. She closed the door behind her and settled into bed.

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