Chapter 4- Him? who's him?

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Everyone was running in pannick away from the beach. Screams errupted everywhere and all Rowan could do was watch as her best friend fell to the floor. She lifted his trouser leg to see the deep gash in his leg oozing blood and his leg as pale as a vampire's ass.
"Go! You might have a chance if you leave me here. I will just slow you down!" Sam yelled.
"No way am i leaving you here like this!" Rowan grabbed him and haulled him to his feet. She dragged him across the sand and up to the main road. She ran as fast as she could but people had dragged sand all over the road. She slipped on the sandy surface bringing Sam down with her.
"Please" Sam pleaded.
"Let me die knowing you got away. Not that you died here because of my failure of a life."
"No. I could never leave you!" they looked up as the huge wave was only meters away. Rowan gripped Sam's hand tighter as the wave hit them like a brick wall. She let go of Sam's hand and lost all sense of where she was. She was swirling and spinning in this mass wall of water. She began to feel dizzy. She thought of her mum, and Sam and everything she could have done that was good tonight if she didn't waste three hours at some dumb party.
"I can't go out like this"
She fought to open her eyes but the water took her sight from her. She suddenly saw movement. Everything went still. She didn't struggle to breath anymore. Rowan looked around and saw deep blue water all around her, like a deep tank with no top or bottom, and many dark creatures lurking in it. A dark silhouette was in the distance. A man was swimming towards her.
"Maybe it's Sam!"
But as he came closer she saw he was more muscular than Sam. Oh, and he had a tail.
"Do not be alarmed" he spoke. His voice rumbled and was very deep. But it almost sounded angelic. Like the gentle hum of a whale.
"Your friend is fine. You will change. Do not let anyone know. Not even the boy. You must go now. Everything will be okay when you wake up."
There was no time to reply for she felt a sudden spin as the water carried her away to reality. She woke up in her bed. Her alarm screaming as usual.
"It was all a dream? Thank goodness. But it felt so real..." she wondered aloud.
She got ready and went to the bus stop to meet Sam. Eight o'clock. She hopped on the bus. Everything was normal.
"What the hell!"
Sam was already on the bus. Looking like he did yesterday. A total mess. But there was the bruise across his face.
"The entire tsunami just didn't happen?"
She slowly sauntered over to Sam.
"Hey. You okay? You look a bit shaken." Sam remarked.
"Yeah. Terrible night. How did you sleep?"
"Oh... Yeah. Fine...i..i..guess." Sam stuttered.
"Are you sure because you don't sound too sure."
"No." Sam mumbled.
"What happened?" Rowan asked.
"My mum died."
"What?! how!?"
" you are gonna think i am crazy but last night the...usual happened. Before i went to sleep i wished she was dead. And when i woke up she was downstairs with a knife in her head. I don't know how but i called the police and they have assumed it 'suicide' because of her drug abuse and mass alcohol consumption."
Rowan shuffled away from him.
"You didn't by any chance have a dream about a tsunami did you?" Rowan questioned.
"No." Sam replied.
"I dreamt we went to the party and the beach caught fire. It was terrifying Rowan. Everyone was on fire! Burned, screaming, running around and grabbing me and shaking me. But i woke up, eventually."
"Jesus Christ!" Rowan exclaimed.
"What the hell is happening to us?!"
"I don't know but we should keep it quiet for now. Okay?" Rowan nodded.
"Okay. Come over my place after school. We can talk more about it then." Rowan added
"Alright. See you later" Sam hurried off the bus and to first lesson. Rowan tried to think of anything but the dream, the tsunami and that man. What did he mean by 'change'.
Rowan worried about Sam. He seemed different.
"I mean i would too if my mum just died but he seems like... A different person." changed. 
"God help us all."

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