Chapter 3- Bonfire

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They heared the party before they saw it. Loud booming music came from the beach.
"This sounds like my kind of party!"
"Told you it would be fun!"  Sam replied, grinning from ear to ear.
"I wish you were okay though." Rowan told him almost pitifully.
"Look. We are here to have a good time and you know what, being around you makes me feel like there is no pain at all."
Rowan blushed as they hobbled over to a beach chair and Sam slammed down on it's weak plastic structure.
"Go have fun. Im not going anywhere. Get me a vodka and coke though will you?" Rowan peered at the small puddle of red blood that had already accumulated at the bottom of his leg.
"Alright then. Just don't you dare move!" Sam lifted his hands in the air to show he agreed. Rowan slowly made her way over to the bar. She grabbed the drinks after several times of being pushed out of the way and ignored by the obviously occupied bar tender who was too busy serving Chelsea and her friends, and casually admiring their cleveges that they were provicatively shoving in his face. She made her way back to where Sam was sitting. He was still there as he promised.
"Thanks. hey your friend Clarrie just talked to me." Rowan smiled.

"oh where is she?" she asked.

"she left. look Rowan, she is moving. she said she didn't want to tell you because she would cry and mess up her makeup but she wanted to tell you that you will always be her best friend but you will never see her again. i'm so sorry Rowan." Sam took Rowan's trembling hand. she couldn't speak, she could barely breathe. Sam tried to cheer her up by changing the subject."

 Please can we go down to the waters edge for a walk? This music is giving me a headache and my leg is going numb."
"Sure" Rowan replied wiping the teas from her cheeks. She wrapped her arm around his waist and they stumbled down to the waves break. They sat there looking out at the sea.
"Do you ever think that the creatures out there are having nicer lives than us?" Sam asked, not letting his eyes leave the water.
"Maybe" Rowan muttered as she looked down into her lap.
"But then again, there are creatures out there who also have it worse."
"I suppose." Sam mumbled.
"well my best-friend of twelve years just left without saying goodbye to my face. I can't tell if I should be sad or happy that that kind of person is out of my life."
"Rowan you were best friends. you should be sad. she was crying her eyes out by the time she left. she probably was just scared that if she said goodbye then she would definitely never see you again."
"Well i guess none of us are perfect." Rowan added. she moved in towards Sam. Her face was nearly touching his and she could feel his breath on her cheek. It was slow and calm but inside she felt like her heart was a base drum about to explode. She leaned in closer.
"Wait." Rowan stopped.
"Did you hear that?" she looked out towards the sea. He joined her sight line. They peered into the darkness looking out to the hoizon.
"Is it just me or it the sea level rising?" Sam said in a worried voice.
"It's not just you."
They suddenly heared screams all around them.

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