Chapter 7- Lost Wisdom

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After leaving a note for her mum, Rowan and Sam headed to the dentist, chatting and walking. When they arrived they confirmed with the reseptionist and sat in the waiting room. Sam kept fidgeting and moving his legs, crossing his arms, until finally Rowan had enough.
"Chill would you! You are putting me on edge! Everything will be fine!"
"I'm sorry. It's just everytime i come here i feel something is going to happen." Sam's voice was shaky and he kept stopping to swallow inbetween words.
"And has anything bad ever happened?" Rowan asked giving him the judging eyes.
"Apart from them telling me my front teeth were cracked when my mum hit me with that chair when i was 11, not really."
"Exac...tly" Rowan said, her words trailing off at the realisation of what he had told her.
"Sam Williams?" called a woman standing in the doorway.
"Me?" Sam asked nervously.
"Yes. Come in please"
Rowan stood up casually and turned her head to the still seated Sam.
"Come on!" groaned Rowan dragging Sam to his feet and into the dentist's office.
Sam slumped himself into the 'chair of death' as he called it.
"How are you today Sam?" asked the female dentist.
"Nautious" Sam mumbled giving Rowan a glare.
Rowan rolled her eyes at him.
"Okay. Lets take a look. Open wide!"
Practically having to force open Sam's mouth, the dentist started her inspection. A sudden gasp errupted from her lips.
"What?! Whats wrong?! Am i dying?!" yelled Sam, still with the dentist's utencils in his mouth.
"Nothing is wrong! It is just your wisdom teeth have come through!" she sounded extremely surprised.
"Is that bad?" asked Sam, stuttering in his words.
" It's just..." the dentist's words trailed off and worry was imprinted in her face.
"What?" asked Rowan, who's concern was growing by the second.
"They will have to be removed. Now." said the dentist looking at Rowan with fear in her eyes.
Before Rowan could say anything the dentist turned around and stuck a shot of anesthestic into Sam's neck. He was out in seconds. Rowan did not know what to do. Whether to yell at the dentist or to giggle at the surprised look on Sam's face. After the procedure Rowan sat waiting for him to wake up. He had been an hour in surgery and they told her it would be about half an hour before he would wake. Sam's eyes fluttered open.
"Wha... What happened?" Sam asked hazily, still slightly under the affects of the anesthetic.
"Ow!" he yelped, reaching up to touch the cotton wool in his mouth. He whined at the pain like a dog that had just been disciplined. He looked at Rowan with tears in his eyes, the look on his face was of fear and betrayal.
"Hey..." Rowan soothed.
"It's okay. Im sorry i had no idea she would do that."
"It's okay." Sam slurred.
"How are you feeling?" Rowan questioned.
"That is ridiculous Rowan. How do you think he is feeling!?"
"A bit high." Sam teased giving her a sloppy grin, with drool dribbling down his chin.
"Yeah how are those drugs?" joked Rowan. Sam giggled at her remark.
"I've ordered a taxi to pick us up. I couldn't possibly carry you back home. People would think you are drunk of your ass!"
Sam grinned again, more drool running off his chin and onto his blue t-shirt and black hoodie.
"Wipe your face!" Rowan laughed.
He lifted his arm and slumped it back down onto the arm of the chair again.
"Here." Rowan grabbed a tissue out of her pocket and wiped his chin.
"The taxi is here.Would you like a hand?" asked the nurse peering around the door.
"Yes please!" Rowan thanked. The nurse grabbed one of Sam's arms and encouraged Rowan to do the same. They carried him out to the taxi that was waiting for them outside. They both hauled him into the taxi and Rowan climbed into the seat next to him. She waved goodbye to the nurse and drove back to her house. Rowan scrambled out of the car and the once peaceful Sam who was resting against her fell sideways onto the car seat. Rowan paid and thanked the driver and dragged Sam by his hoodie out of the taxi.
"Common' buddy you've gotta help me here!"
The confused taxi driver who was still watching them slowly drove away as he realised that Rowan had stopped dragging Sam across the pavement and was staring at his judging face. After an array of pushing, rolling and dragging Sam into her house she sat him on the sofa and dusted off her hands as if she had just finished a masterpiece. His flopped body which was half hanging off the chair said otherwise. She giggled to herself at the still sleeping Sam. She went to nudge him awake but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She adjusted his postion so he would be more comfortable, tucked a blanket around his shoulders and sauntered over to the bottom of the stairs. She looked back over to the undisturbed Sam. She smiled to herself.
"Night night Sam."

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