Chapter 20- Hands.

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The next morning Rowan woke to an empty room. Her alarm had gone off five minutes ago.
"Lisa must have turned it off."
The early morning light shone through her window, multicoloured light landing on her face and everything seemed perfect. Until she realized Cal wasnt there next to her. She layed there in the technicoloured light thinking about last night.
"Holy shit. ."
"I know. Come downstairs." she grinned before flipping the duvet cover off her and climbed out of bed. She carefully evaded the two sprawled out sleeping bags and pushed her bedroom door open. She stood on the landing listening to Cal and Lisa chat. It was nice they were getting along. They were usually always at eachothers necks but this single time they were getting along. Rowan sauntered down the stairs and into the busy kitchen. Lisa was at the stove frying onions and mushrooms while Cal was making beaguls for our lunch. He had three neat bags with our names on them layed out infront of him as he dropped apples and cereal bars into each one accordingly.
"Whats all this then?" Rowan asked with happiness in her voice.
"Me and Cal wanted you to have a nice morning so we turned off your alarm and we have done everything for you!" Lisa exclaimed in delight.
"Nice." Rowan mumbled as she gazed at Cal. Only the back of his head was visible but his tight shirt showed every muscle in his back. She wandered over and hugged him from behind when Lisa wasnt looking. He stopped moving and smiled, turning his head towards her.
"Good morning Rowan."
"Good morning Cal" they grinned at eachother. They had a secret. Well two secrets that no one knew except them. And it made Rowan's face flush.
"Come on you guys, eat your breakfast. You can have either mushrooms or onions on toast with some fruit salad." Lisa picked up her helping and strolled over to the table and pulled out a chair. In those few moment Rowan quickly but passionately kissed Cal and then grabbed her breakfast and joined Lisa like nothing happened.
"So ive figured that maybe Chelsea Mathews will be the earth portion of our task." Lisa started.
"No." Cal stated.
"Earth may seem incredibly human but they will be a supernatural with earth magic in them. Me and Rowan have Sea magic, you have air magic and they will have earth. It is second strongest of them all but it has the most people who belong to it."
"Like a werewolf?" Lisa asked.
"They dont exist." Rowan began.
"Yeah and mermaids and angels dont either." Lisa laughed.
"At this point i am open to anything."
"I guess." Rowan sank in her seat a little.
"Wait." she sat up straight and looked at Cal.
"Do witches count as earth magic?" Cal frowned.
"Witch is a variable term for you can get sea witches too but yes in some cases." he nodded slowly at Lisa and then Rowan.
"I know someone. She goes to our school. Bit of a loner but i have known her since we were babies having naked pool parties in a bucket together." Rowan laughed.
"She always carries wikka books around at school and always is chanting something by herself. She might actually be the real deal." Rowan felt accomplished. But then she saw the look on lisa's face and felt a weight in her heart.
"I dont know. Even if she is a witch can't they be really unpredictable? Like they can die from doing too many spells?" Lisa looked worried.
"If she is really a witch i will smell it in her blood. It has a very distinct scent. And yes it is risky but if she will help us then she will be very useful." Cal affirmed. He looked towards the clock and saw the time. Rowan you had better get ready for school. Me and Lisa got dressed earlier." he stood up and hurried over to the counter and picked up her ironed clean clothes. They smelled like lenor and were beautifully folded. Rowan went to take them off him a slowly brushed his hand before taking them out of his arms and heading upstairs to get dressed. If only Lisa didnt see it.

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