Chapter 21- Hey Chelsea!

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Rowan quickly got dressed and headed with Lisa and Cal to the bus stop. Lisa sat uncomfortably next to Rowan, in fact she was so uncomfortable she started to squirm, and Rowan was noticing it.
"Okay whats up with you? You've hardly said a word since we left." Rowan complained. Lisa sighed as she hunched over more in her seat.
"It's nothing it's just we have been keeping secrets so long i worry it has become an instinct and some of us are still lying about things. Things that arent even that bad." Lisa stared at Rowan hoping she would get the message.
"Well i mean yeah i suppo-"
"Rowan i know." Lisa interupted. Rowan went as pale as a ghost. Her heart beat faster and her legs started to twitch.
"What do you m-mean you know?" Rowan stuttered.
"Oh come on. Its obvious. you and-" Lisa looked around incase anyone was listening. Rowan also looked around and there was no one else at the bus stop yet.
"You and Cal." Lisa finished.
Rowan was shocked. How could she know. Did she hear them last night? Did she see them kissing this morning?"
"Hey are you hearing this?"
"Every word"
"I saw you guys this morning. When you touched hands your eyes went all lovey dovey." Lisa stated turning away and facing outwards towards the road.
"Thank fuck."
"You said it."
"Are you mad?" Rowan asked peering at Lisa's face which she couldnt see clearly because it was facing away from her.
"No just tell me the truth. After everything that happened you should know you can trust me now." Lisa cried.
"I know im sorry. No more secrets?" Rowan asked hopefully puting her pinky finger towards Lisa.
"No more secrets." Lisa joined her pinky finger with Rowan's to seal the promise. They saw Cal's head turn towards the oncoming bus. 8 o'clock right on time.  Lisa scrambled on first tripping on one of the steps but carrying on like nothing happened.
"Im good!" she announced before taking a seat. A few muffled giggles came from the crowd but Lisa took no notice. Cal followed behind her and Rowan couldnt help admire is shapely-
"Hurry up kid! We are in a hurry!" Not that Rowan had realized but while she was thinking about Cal he had got on the bus and sat behind Lisa whilst Rowan just stood there with a blank face.
"Oh. Sorry." Rowan hurried onto the bus and resumed the seat next to Cal. Lisa turned around and cheekily smiled at her. Rowan couldnt help but grin. After sitting in silence for several minutes, the bus made an abrupt stop. It was her. Chelsea Mathews took the seat in the oposite isle a couple of rows infront of them. Cal, Lisa and Rowan all shared a surprised look and all clambered to the seats behind her. Chelsea was alone but not anymore. Rowan and Cal had the seats behind her and Lisa had one infront closing her in. They all stared at her until she slowly looked away from her phone.
"What?" she asked looking at their staring faces, chewing loudly.
"Hey Chelsea!" Cal started.
"We heared you and Sam are an item now." Lisa added.
"Where is he?" Rowan finished.
"Well we arent exactly an item just a casual hook up." she was lying.
"And he isnt taking the bus anymore. He got a car from his mum's life insurance." she finished looking back down at her phone continuing to type and chew noisily. Lisa gave Rowan and Cal an angry look before pulling Chelsea's phone out of her hands.
"Hey!" Chelsea scolded.
"You see we aren't done with you yet." Lisa said slyly. Rowan was surprised. She had never known that Lisa was so good at interogations. She almost sounded evil and had a just as evil smile on her face. Chelsea was about to speak but Cal interupted.
"Don't worry, it wont hurt." Cal added with malice in his voice.
"He's just joking. Look we know you hate us and have no reason to trust us but we need your help." Rowan pleaded.
"Okay..." Chelsea said slowly she had turned to face Rowan completely blocking out Cal and Lisa.
"Your friends wont actually hurt me will they?"
"No no they're just being stupid. Look, you know Sam?"Rowan questioned.
"Well duh!" Chelsea answered hautily.
"Have you ever seen him wearing a necklace with a piece of glass on it? Probably red coloured." Rowan looked deep into Chelsea's eyes trying to find her answer before she actually said it.
"Yeah. He doesnt really talk about it. Its a really random thing to wear. When i asked him about it he said it belonged close to his heart and swore he would never take it off. He said that it was very important to him. I asume it belonged to a relative who is dead or something." Chelsea waved her hand like she had no idea what all this meant and shrugged her shoulders.
"Not really. Look we need to get it. You see it is actually mine and we found out the window it belongs to is actually very valuable." Rowan lied. Chelsea scanned her face.
"How much?"
"Like in the five digit column." Rowan lied.
"Okay i'll help you if you give ne one hundred bucks and advice on Sam." She concluded.
"Fine. So you'll do it?" Rowan asked again just to be sure.
"Yup." Chelsea nodded.
"I'll try get it off him today."
"Okay but you cant tell him we want it. In fact he cant even know you took it." Rowan added.
"You want me to steal it!?" Chelsea yelled.
"Shhhhh! Yes. Please, im begging you." Rowan had grabbed Chelsea by the shoulders and was gently shaking her back and fourth.
"Okay okay but that adds on an extra fifty bucks." Chelsea turned around almost to finish the conversation. Rowan leant back in her chair and looked at Cal with relief.
"Maybe interogation wasnt the right method."
"No shit. Let me do all the talking next time okay."
Cal nodded.
"The witch is next."

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