Chapter 13- Tell me everything

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Lisa began with her story.
"I have always been like this. Scientists created me when i was a baby. They can trigger my transformation anytime they like. They let me out of the lab because i had a vision. It was about you."
Rowan didn't know whether to be complimented or worried.
"I saw you and Sam. You were fighting, trying to kill eachother. It was terrifying. So i came to find to. You made it pretty obvious of your whereabouts."
"Really?" Rowan was rather curious.
"Yeah. Wherever there is drama or chaos!" Lisa laughed.
"So you are a mutant?" Rowan asked. She hated using that term. It made them seem like disgusting ugly monsters but she couldn't think of any other way to put it.
"In a way. I suppose...."  Rowan could tell Lisa felt offended so she quickly apologised.
"I'm sorry. You will be saying the same thing about me in a minute anyway." Lisa seemed very surprised but also very doubtfull.
"You're a mutant are you?!" Lisa joked.
"Not a mutant but i'm not human." Rowan and Lisa just stared at eachother. Who knew it would get so serious.
"What do you mean?" Lisa asked. She was afraid. Rowan could see it in her eyes. Rowan could have been anything.
"Im a mermaid." Rowan whispered.
"What!?" Lisa yelled.
"Shhhhh! My mum will hear you!" Rowan leant in closer so her mum wouldn't hear them.
"About a month ago i had this crazy dream. It was my eighteenth birthday so me and Sam went to a beach party. There was a tsunami. I almost died but a merman saved me. He told me i would change. The next day Sam told me he had the same dream except instead of a tsunami the whole beach caught fire. Sam's mum got murdered that night. He was homeless. So he stayed with me. That evening i spilt water on myself and turned into a mermaid in my kitchen. Sam saw everything. Sam had a dentist appointment. They took out his widom teeth. Then the next day when he went close to fire his finger became like a candles. When he touced me i would black out. He was drying my brain and killing me from the inside out without even knowing it. When i blacked out i had another vision of the merman. The merman told me i was a mermaid and that Sam was a djinn born of fire and that he would kill people, that he was dangerous. So the next day i kicked him out, made him homeless and lost our friendship forever." Lisa was speechless. She had a complete look of shock on her face.
"You are of water, he is of fire, i am of air, this all makes sense! He must be a demon djinn, otherwise your merman friend wouldn't have wanted you apart. As a child my scientist who created me told me stories. One was about demon djinn. He was into that kind of stuff. People of the land water and air all came together and extinguished all the demons. Sam must have been the first djinn to exist in at least one thousand years!"
"Really!? So Sam is here to do what?" Rowan didn't know if she wanted to hear the answer.
"It's not what he wants to do but what he has to do. It is his job to destroy anything good. It is his job to to slowly release the demons from hell and take over the land, sea and sky." Lisa said it so casually for what it was.
"Sam wants to destroy everyone? Everything? But surely he wouldn't, he is too kind to kill anyone!"
"From what you tell me he already has." Lisa looked grave.
"What!?" Rowan didnt understand how could he have killed someone?
"His mum. He wished she was dead and he made it happen. The only difference between good djinn and bad djinn: good djinn use their wishes on other people. Bad djinn use their wishes however they bloody well like."
"This is serious. End of the world shit serious."

Demon Sam Williams

Demon Sam Williams

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