chapter 26- The window

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Rowan pulled out of Vanessa's grip and ran down the stairs after Cal. She hugged him making him drop the sleeping bag.
"Hey hey hey..." Cal laughed soothingly.
"Whats up?"
"Nothing its just i needed a hug." Rowan lied. Vanessa came waltzing down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"I just checked the shard. It has cooled down."
"Lets go put it in the window then!" Lisa jollied. Rowan looked up at Vanessa who's smile imediately dropped. Rowan slowly wandered over to Vanessa and took the shard of glass out of her hand. Without saying a word she hurried up the stairs and into her room. She heared Cal, Lisa and Vanessa follow behind her. They entered the room but Rowan didnt even turn around to look at them. She glided over to the window and placed her finger over the place where the shard was missing. She looked down at the ruby coloured glass in her hand before bringing it up and placing it firmly in the gap. She carefully removed her finger to make sure it wouldnt fall back out. It didnt. She stepped back. She waited for something to happen.
"Nothing is happening." Lisa said disappointedly. But just as she said that a bright light surrounded the edges of the window. It flowed forward until all the lightbeams met. Rowan could see something starting to form but the light was so bright she couldnt see it clearly and had to wince. Slowly but surely the light retreated. There was nothing there. But as Rowan stepped forward she saw something very small floating in the middle of the window. She stepped up onto her bed so she could reach it. Her fingers closed around and the second she touched it it was like gravity hit the object as it fell into her palm. Cal tried to see what it was but Rowan had her back to him.
"What is it?" he asked. Rowan turned around still staring into her palm. She picked up a small bead like object and held it up to the light so they could all see it.
"It's..." Rowan started.
"A pill."
"What!?" Cal exclaimed. He snatched it off her and inspected it closely.
"Like a paracetamol?" Lisa asked. Vanessa smiled.
"No you idiots." she took it off Cal.
"You see that symbol there?" she pointed to a sun like symbol with only four lines coming off it.
"That is the symbol of the universe. That means there is a special magic in this created by the universe that will kill the demon." Vanessa explained.
"Infact it would kill any of us if we took it."
"Okay but how are we meant to get him to take it?" Lisa asked.
"That was always the fault in these designs. See in ancient history when witches and supernaturals ruled this earth before humans existed they had pills like these. They would invite demons to parties where they said the demon would sign a contract for ruling the world. It was pretty stupid but the demons fell for it. They would slip a pill in their wine and the demon would die. But apparently one demon did not fall for their trick and escaped. And so goes the story that the demon evolved into man kind, a selfish and cruel race who only thinks about power, generating more and more demons." Vanessa finished.
"How do you know all these stories?" Rowan asked curiously.
"One, im a witch and two, i dont have any friends so i read alot." Vanessa quickly added.
"Oh." Lisa said almost disappointed it wasnt more mysterious. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. It was loud and made the whole house tremble. Rowan looked at Cal with fear. They knew who it was.
"He's here."

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