Chapter 15- Cupboard rumours

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It was break time. Rowan, Lisa and Cal started off towards the table area. There were people every where. Girls were hanging out in groups chewing loudly on their gum and texting. Boys were running around throwing food at eachother. Rowan, Lisa and Cal tried to get through a group of boys who were having a very messy food fight.
"Why would they waste their lunch? Boys are stupid, no offense Cal! You're okay!" Lisa stated.
"Thanks." Cal laughed. It was at that perfect moment in time when a random guy decided it would be funny to squirt water from his bottle at his friends just as Rowan, Cal and Lisa walked infront of him. Cal took full force of it, protecting Rowan from the jet of cold water. Cal worriedly glared at Rowan before running off.
"Crap. Are you okay?"
"Where can i go?"
"The janitors closet. I'll be there soon." Rowan walked up to the boy who squirted Cal who was now in heaps of laughter.
"A.J. is it?"
"Yeah." he replied, looking at his friends with accomplishment of some chick knowing his name.
"Number one.." Rowan started.
"Stop lying to yourself Jerard. I know it's not a cool name but live with it and number two, stop being such a cunt!" and with that Rowan punched him in the nose and walk away with Lisa at her side. They could hear Jerards friends laughing at him as they hurried to the janitors closet to find Cal.
"Why did Cal run off like that?" Lisa asked.
"Because he is the merman from my visions and right now he is suffocating in the janitors closet!" Rowan whispered in an angry tone.
"Shit!" Lisa cried.
When they reached the closet Rowan knocked on the door.
"Cal? Are you in there?" a quite whale like groan came from within.
"Right Lisa you stay out here and keep watch, i'll go in and get him dry."
"Okay" Lisa replied.
Rowan quickly entered and closed the door. Cal's uniform was scattered over the floor and to her amusement, a very fish like Cal was lying on the floor with his head shoved in a bucket of water. Rowan tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. He took his head out of the bucket and grimaced at the pain of breathing harsh, dry air.
"Okay. I need to dry you off and get you out of here before anyone comes in and i need you to help me." Cal nodded in agreement. Rowan grabbed some paper towels off one of the shelves and they set to work drying his tail. In the mean time Lisa was outside keeping guard when Chelsea Mathews came lopping up to her.
"What you up to?" she asked.
"Oh nothing just standing outside this cupboard." Lisa tried to stay calm but she soon realised besides keeping anyone from seeing her two mer friends she had no reasonable explanation for why she was there.
"Really? Okay who cares. I saw your friend Rowan and that new guy this morning. Are they an item?" Chelsea Mathews questioned. Lisa could tell she was just searching for gossip so she quickly made up a lie.
"God no it's just Cal is new and he needed someone to show him around!" Lisa realised it wasn't the whole truth but it wasn't a lie either. She felt rather proud of herself. Rowan had finally finished drying Cal down. In a bright flash Cal's legs were back but he was stark naked on the floor. Rowan roled her eyes and picked up his clothes.
"Quickly get dressed before someone comes in!" Cal shakily stood up and took the clothes of her. Rowan couldn't help but look.
"Again i can still hear you! And thanks." he turned around and gave her a cheeky smile.
"Shut up and just get your clothes on. And stop going in my head!" she turned away feeling a little embarassed.
"Cal... Nice name. So they are definately not dating?" Chelsea asked again.
"Definately. Not dating, not sleeping together, nothing!" at that moment Rowan and a very human Cal emerged from the cupboard with him in his messed up uniform, buttoning up his pants.
Lisa whispered to them,
"Why do i bother!" They couldn't help look suspicious. Lisa gave Rowan a very confused and hard look.
"I was just telling Chelsea how you and Cal are DEFINATELY not dating." Lisa looked as deeply as she could into Rowan's eyes in hope that she would get the message.
Rowan finally understood.
"Oh yeah. Definately not dating." Rowan looked at Cal who was slowly shaking his head. She couldnt help feeling a little bit ridiculous.
"So what were you doing in there?" Chelsea Mathews asked giving them all a very bitchy look.
"Oh i was just showing Cal where to look if some stupid boys squirt him with water again." Rowan replied with an equal amout of bitch in her voice.
"Okay well i have to go. Chaio!" the sound of her stilettos walking away was a sound of relief to Lisa and Cal but to Rowan it was the sound of callings out of class, meetings, detentions and gossip. Rowan looked at Lisa and then Cal.
"Let the rumours begin"
"I'll second that."

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