Chapter 12- More secrets

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After school, Lisa and Rowan walked back to her house, past the corner post box, the bus stop, until they reached Rowan's front door. Rowan didn't notice until now that the glass in the door was cracked and the paint was begining to peel off. Moss had grown in the door frame and the handle was surprisingly well polished from being twisted and turned.
"Like that time you opened it and shoved out Sam."
Rowan ussured Lisa into her house as to avoid an awkward meeting with Sam. They hurried through the kitchen to avoid the unwanted welcome from Rowan's mum and marched into her room, making sure to close the door behind them. As Rowan turned around to face Lisa, she spied her seething eyes, and her tense posture standing in the middle of the room. Rowan decided she would not look directly at Lisa but instead look up to the stain glass window, as the sun shone through it, it's technicolour light lit up the room making it seem like a galaxy, another dimension. It made her feel calm and would hopefully make her answer seem relaxed and true, even if it was all lies.
"Explain." Lisa began. She looked even more angry than earlier.
"I..." Rowan tried to start but she couldn't think of a possible explanation.
"Don't say anything unless its's the truth." Lisa was very smart and she knew that Rowan was going to lie again.
"I have been smugling and selling drugs. I forgot i left my drug money and my thirty pounds of cocaine hidden in one of the computer desks in Mr. Montgomery's class. He is one of my regulars. He prefers heroine but he'll take whatever he is given." Rowan tried not to laugh, apparently Lisa was having difficulty too because in a couple of seconds they were both in heaps of laughter. Lisa was sitting on the edge of Rowan's bed trying to catch her breath and Rowan was litterally rolling across the floor.
"You are joking right?" Lisa's addition to the conversation only created more laughter. Their amusment was abruptly cut short as the sound of Rowan's mum's shouting echoed from downstairs.
"I'll go see what she wants and then i'll come back and explain everything." Rowan assured. She left the room leaving Lisa once again, alone. Lisa's phone started to buzz. Someone was trying to call her and she wasn't happy about it.
"Hello...yes i found her....please i need more time....thankyou...i didnt mean to run over time....i didnt do anything....please dont...not no no!" Lisa hung up and ran to the corner of the room. She pressed herself against the wall as hard as she could, but nothing could stop it. Lisa screamed as the skin on her back was torn open in two thin cuts as white feathered wings unfurled from inside her spine. It was agony. Lisa couldn't help but scream and by the time they were out completely they were as wide as the room. Blood dripped down her back from the new cuts and stained her torn apart shirt. There wasn't much of her shirt left. The feathers were soft, elegant and beautiful but everytime Lisa saw them she could only think of the pain. She could hear Rowan running up the stairs. Lisa knew it was pointless so she just prepared herself for the screaming. Rowan burst into the room as the door swung
Open and hit the wall making an almighty crash. She peered around the room until she saw the winged Lisa in the corner of the room.
"I guess that was what all the screaming was about. Looks like you have secrets of your own." Lisa was very surprised at her casualness. Rowan tried to keep as relaxed and open minded as possible. She was a fish, it made sense that she wasn't the only one. Lisa smiled wryly.
"Maybe we should both explain our situations but i can guarantee that mine is a bit more unusual." Rowan tried not to laugh.
"She is gonna have one heck of a surprise!"

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