Chapter 14- why are you here?

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Rowan and Lisa hung out for the entire evening talking about their insecurites, boys and obviously their tails, wings and their demon acquaintance. They had a beer or two and were rather tipsy.
"Can you make these visions happen? Like to talk to this merman fellow?" slurred Lisa.
"I haven't really tried." Rowan admitted.
"Maybe we could try now!" Lisa cried excitedly.
"What did you do last time?"
"I was in a terrifying situation both times but i don't want to put myself in unneccesary danger to speak to a guy who turned me into a fish!" Rowan yelled.
"Hush Shush shhhhh! Your mum's downstairs!" Lisa ironically shouted.
"No she went to work. Do you want to slide down the banister?!" Rowan asked rather crazily.
"Yeah!" Lisa jollied.
"Wait shouldn't you tell your mum you're sleeping over?" Rowan asked hazily.
"I lied. I don't have a mum. I was brought up in a lab remember. I don't know who she is. You didn't know i was a pelican at the time so i lied." Lisa said sorrowfully.
"Im sorry. Do you just want to sleep?" Rowan asked.
"Yes please."
The girls climbed into their sleeping bags and slowly fell to sleep. When Rowan woke up she looked around the room to see Lisa face planting her pillow.
"Good morning Lisa."
"Good morning?! Good morning?! How could this be a good morning!?" Lisa seemed very irritated.
"Let me guess, hangover. How often do you drink?" Rowan couldn't help feeling a little amused by Lisa's droopey eyelids and messy hair. She always looked so nice in school.
"Never. They don't give us any alcohol in the lab."
"Wow! Seriously!? Well that's shit!. What day is it?" Rowan was half asleep and couldn't be bothered to check her calender herself.
"I'll check now." Lisa got up and headed towards the Anne Stokes calender on Rowan's bedroom door.
"It' Friday!" Rowan jumped up and onto her wooden floor.
"We have to get ready for school and we only have..." Rowan checked her bedside clock.
"Ten minutes till the bus gets here!" They had never gotten ready so quickly in their entire lives. They were out of the house in 5 minutes and goodness did their uniforms show it. Their shirts were untucked, socks weren't matching and their ties were not even tied. They only just caught the bus and when they got on they could see the bus driver judging them in their sunglasses and hoodies.
"Who is he to judge anyway?" Rowan whispered contemptfully. They sat at the back of the bus and spied on Sam who was again sitting at the front with his headphones in and blue hood up.
"I can't believe he is a demon. Do you think he has known this entire time and just not told me?" Rowan was unsure of what to believe anymore.
"Definitely not. You said he was creeped out when the dream happened yeah?"
"That shows he has not experienced them before and only now has the demon world started to call for him. He has always been a demon but he has only just realised his...darker purpose." They both stared at him wondering what he knew or what he intended to do. It was like he heared them because at that moment he turned around and looked at them. He stared at them with the most evil glare they had probably ever seen in their lives. Slowly, stupidly, Rowan slid into her seat until she was out of sight.
"Rowan what are you doing?"
"Shut up!" Rowan grabbed Lisa's arm and pulled her down as well.
"You aren't the suttlest person are you!" Lisa scoulded.
"Did you see that!?" Rowan asked.
"No what is it?" Lisa was looking at Rowan like she had gone mad.
"I mean you are a fish, your friends an angel and your ex-friend is a demon so..."
"I swear when Sam was looking at us his eyes went silver." Rowan was scared. she didn't know if she was seeing things or if she actually did see her best friend's eyes turn to the colour mercury. Before Lisa could say anything the bus came to an abrupt stop.
"We don't usually stop here." Rowan remarked.
"Maybe someone new is getting on." Lisa proposed. A tall boy with dark hair, broad shoulders and eyes as dark as ink got onto the bus.
"God, those cheekbones could cut iron!" Lisa teased but Rowan was too busy to reply. She was inspecting his manor. He walked wobbly and by the look of his skinny jeans, his legs were very thin. His hair was short but his eyes were deep, like the oceans.
"Hello Rowan." he was looking right at her.
"Did you hear that Lisa?"
"No what was it?" Lisa looked around at the other pupils until she resumed writing in her planner.
"Do not be afraid. No one else can hear us." he was looking right at her, deep into her eyes as she was into his. The other girls on the bus were also looking at him but he paid no attention to their taken-aback faces or their drooling lips.
"Why are you here?" she did it. She was comunicating telepathically with this guy.
"It's you isn't it. You are the Merman."
"Yes it is me. Who is this?"
"This is Lisa, she is a friend."
"Does she know about you?"
"I told you not to tell anyone!"
"It's okay, she is an angel. She had a vision about me and Sam fighting. She is here to help me defeat the demon in Sam."
"Fine we shall talk more about this later. People are starting to stare."
And again he was right. Not that Rowan had noticed but to everyone else he was just standing there as they stared at eachother. He took the seat infront of Lisa and Rowan.
Lisa became aware of this stranger and decided to introduce herself.
"Hi im Lisa! This is Rowan!"
"Hello. I'm Cal." his voice was just as Rowan remembered it. Low but elegant, like the hum of a gentle current flowing through the Atlantic.
"Are you new around here Cal?"
"You could say that." Rowan interrupted.
"I don't need you to answer for me Rowan." Cal snapped.
"Oh do you guys know eachother?" Lisa asked innocently but Rowan could tell she was being cheeky. Cal and Rowan gave a brief pause before they both answered:
"You could say that." The bus came to a hault as it pulled into the school. Everyone got off the bus and headed towards the main building but Rowan was stopped by a very firm hand she wished she didn't recognise. It was Sam.
"Who is your new friend?" Sam questioned. His voice was agressive and his grip on her arm was getting tighter.
"Why should you care? So you only talk to me when you want something." Rowan answered back.
"I just want to make sure you aren't replacing me with a bastard. That would be rather insulting." He sounded like he was interogating her and his grip was getting so tight Rowan had to try and get away from him.
"Sam you're hurting me." she wriggled in his grasp but his strength was too much.
"It hurts doesn't it? Being held onto so tightly. But i feel it hurts more when you are finally let go." A hand suddenly grabbed Sam's arm that was clenching hold of Rowan and twisted him away from her with ease.
"You might want to stay away from Rowan. Stalking her is a little creepy. Falling from that high an ego, you might break some bones." It was Cal. He had come to rescue her from the Demonic outraged Sam. In a way she wish he didnt because now more people were looking at them than if it was just Sam and her.
"Oh so you got a protector now do ya Rowan!?" Sam yelled tauntingly, making sure everyone around them heared just to add to Rowan's humiliation.
"What? Are you jealous that you don't get to follow her around? Trust me, you aint missing much, i'm doing you a favour." Cal's voice was stern and controling and the way he looked at Sam with his clenched fists ready to punch him in the face, Sam knew better not to try anything. But he still came closer to whisper in Rowan's ear.
"Well i know your secret. Just don't try anything." Rowan's heart was racing with fear. She could tell Cal heared because he was ready to beat Sam into oblivion. Rowan could see it on his face. He wanted to tear Sam limb from limb and watch as his blood fed the weeds growing between the paving slabs.
"Shall i kill him for you?"
Rowan liked Cal. He was ready to do anything for her. He had only known her 5 minutes properly, other than the times they were fish in visions.
"No. Let him go." Rowan replied out loud. Cal came up to her and rubbed her shoulders comfortingly, making her shiver all over  before they continued on their route to class. Lisa nudged Rowan in the arm teasingly but to be honest, Rowan had forgotten she was there with all that had happened. And with Cal.
"Lisa is right. His cheekbones could could cut iron."
"I can still hear you."


Demon Sam Williams

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Demon Sam Williams

Demon Sam Williams

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