Chapter 23- Did she get it?

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Vanessa and Rowan hurried to the water fountain where they said they would meet Lisa and Cal. Vanessa's long legs and fast pace were hard to keep up with. They were already waiting for them.
"Hey guys." Rowan started.
"This is Vanessa." Rowan finished gesturing to the witch standing next to her. Cal came closer.
"This is the witch? I can feel the earth magic in you. It is strong, and... unreliable." he spoke wearily. He looked straight in her eyes without fear.
"Calm down fish boy. Im just here to help you with your demon problem." Vanessa brushed off his stern tone. Cal's face was a picture. He was so shocked.
"Just because you had parent issues doesnt mean you cant trust anyone." Rowan looked at Cal confused.
"What is she talking about?" she asked.
"Nothing of importance." Cal had pain and anger in his voice. His eyes had not left Vanessa's and Rowan knew better not to ask.
"Okay. To sum it up. I will help you. We only have five minutes left of break and then you..." Vanessa looked at Lisa, searching her.
"Have to go find Chelsea Mathews to see if she got the shard." Vanessa finished.
"Okay, what the actual fuck!?" Lisa exclaimed glancing at Rowan.
"Lets get to class. I'll see you all at lunch." Rowan told them before scooting off to science.
"I have drama see you all later." Lisa called as she started to walk away. Vanessa looked at Cal sternly. There was a silence between them. One that they thought could not be filled.
"Why havent you told her the truth?" Vanessa asked slowly. She sounded disappointed in him.
"Because she wouldnt be able to finish this if i did."
"Cal. She has to kill her best friend, not just bannish a demon. He is the demon."
"I know." Cal admitted.
"She will never forgive you if you dont tell her yourself." Vanessa added.
"I know. I will. Just not yet." Cal glared at her warningly as if to say dont tell her anything before walking off to P.E.
"Idiot." Vanessa scoffed to herself before strolling off to art just as the bell went. The next two hours weren't as bad as before break. They all tried to get on with their work and be normal. Quite hard for all of them, especially Rowan. She couldnt stop thinking about what Vanessa said. She had never thought about Cal's parents before. What had happened to them? Where were they know?
"Cal are you there?" there was no reply. Usually she could sense Cal in her mind but this time it was like he had shut himself away. Closed the connection.
"Okay pack up your books kids. Lunch will be in five minutes." the teacher called. Everyone hurried to pack their books but Rowan couldnt help but go slowly. Why was Cal ignoring her?
The bell went. Rowan tried not to get trampled to death by the stampede of teenagers trying to get to the front of the lunch que. Rowan waited by the water fountain for Cal, Lisa and Vanessa.
"Cal where are you? Why are you ignoring me? Hello?!"
"Hey!" Lisa exclaimed. Vanessa was beside her and Cal was walking with his head down behind them.
"Hey Cal. Didnt you hear me call during class?" Rowan asked peering behind the girls shoulders at Cal.
"No time for that." Vanessa cut in.
"Lets find Chelsea."
"Okay..." Rowan spoke slowly. Why were Vanessa and Cal so chummy all of a sudden. It was like they were keeping a secret, and it made Rowan a bit angry. There were so many questions whirling in her mind. But ahe blew them off for now. They all peered around the corner to see Chelsea and Sam together at a table. Chelsea was leaning over behind him with her arms wrapped around his neck. She was laughing and so was Sam as one of the popular boys they were sitting with cracked a joke.
"Look!" Vanessa exclaimed as they all watched Chelsea fiddle with something behind Sam's neck. She quickly pulled away and sat next to her bag on the other end of the table. She slipped something in her rucksack and then wandered back behind Sam and continued to choke him with her arms.
"I'll go past her and hope she sees." Lisa said before anyone could do anything as she skipped past them and bumped Chelsea with her shoulder. Chelsea was about to yell but when he saw who it was she looked afraid. She nodded at her and looked back to Sam. She went over to her bag, made up an excuse and hurried over to Lisa who was hiding down the hallway, out of sight. Lisa erupted out of the hallway almost running and rejoined Cal, Rowan and Vanessa. She held up the necklace tiumphantly. Rowan stared at it. It was glowing! Rowan went to touch the glass but before she could Vanessa grabbed it by the chain and placed it in an oak box with a tree binded in a circle engraved on it. She replaced the box in her bag and looked at the shocked faces on all three of them. She gave them all a 'dont you know anything!?' look.
"Do you know what would have happened if you touched it!?" Vanessa asked with a sharp tone in her voice. All three of thwm looked at eachother with a confused look.
"It would have burned your fingers to smithereens!" she answered herself.
"That crystal has been around the neck of a demon for years. If you touch a demon you could be killed. Thankfully this shard kills demons but it would still have been scorching hot!" Vanessa scolded.
"Oh sorry. I didnt know." Rowan replied feeling guilty. She looked down at her feet and shuffled around uncomfortably.
"Its okay just let it cool down in the box for a bit." Vanessa assured.
"Whats so special about the box?" Lisa asked.
"Its made out of an oak tree. The symbol of wisdom. It will withdraw the evil that Sam might have embeded in it and purify it." Vanessa replied.
"Wow." Lisa remarked.
"Shouldnt we get to class Vanessa questioned looking down at her watch only to realize the bell was about to go.
"Sure." Lisa announced. The two walked off leaving Cal and Rowan alone.
"Cal. I dont know what is up with you. Were you ignoring me?" She asked. She spoke slowly and softly as she tried to look at Cal's face.
"I just..." Cal looked up from the floor and into her eyes. His eyes were full of tears. Rowan had never seen him like this. So weak. So fragile.
"Its okay." she comforted as she embraced him. People were looking at them hugging in the corridor but Rowan didnt care.
"Look the bell is about to go for last lesson. I'll meet you by the bench out front okay?" it was more of a question but Cal still nodded. He composed himself wiping the tears from his eyes and stood up straighter.
"Got to go. See you later." he spoke briefly. He kissed her on the cheek quickly and hurried off to his class. Rowan was left standing on her own in the corridor with loads of jealous girls staring at her.
"What?" she called looking at their faces with a smirk before hurring off to class.

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