Chapter 8- Flames

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Rowan woke to the sound of clattering and the smell of bacon. She strolled down the stairs still half asleep and rubbing her eyes. She was dressed in a pair of pyjama shorts and a vest top.
"Mum what are you doing?" she called but it wasn't her mum who answered.
"Sorry your mum has gone to work." Rowan walked down the last few steps and into the kitchen to see a very awake Sam.
"You looked after me so well last night i thought i would make you breakfast!" he smiled at her walmly. He was wearing a summery t-shirt and shorts accompanied by a pair of flip flops.
"Thanks but you really didnt have to do that!" Rowan giggled.
"Well by the looks of it you need it. Do you always look like this in the morning?" he teased, briefly eyeing her messy bun and puffy eyes.
"Shut up! And what are you making me this fine weekend morning?" she laughed.
"Bacon, sausage, eggs, beans, hashbrowns, cockles and lavabread." he listed.
"Yum!" Rowan exclaimed.
"The bacon should be just about done."As Sam stepped towards the stove a burst of flames shot up infront of him, sinjing the front of his hair.
"Whoa! Get back! Get back!" Rowan screamed.
Sam jumped away from the roaring flame but the second he did the roaring blaze became a small flame once again.
"What the hell was that!?" yelled Sam, in complete and utter shock.
"I have no idea." answered Rowan shaking her head slowly.
"I have a hunch." Started Sam. He was talking very slowly as if he was about to tell her something.
"I think i did that."
"How is that even possible?" asked Rowan. Sam slowly started to step towards the flame very slowly reaching out his hand.
"Stop!" yelled Rowan.
"It's okay." He stepped closer and closer. A small glow appeared at the end of his finger untill it was a flame.
"Sam you are on fire!" Rowan started pannicking. She ran to get a glass of water.
"No wait! It doesn't hurt." Sam peered closely at the flame that flickered on the end of his finger like a candle. Even Rowan was curious. She stepped closer to him but she started to feel faint. The last thing she saw was Sam running towards her as she fell to the floor before she woke up in her room. She felt very warm and light headed. She saw Sam's blurry figure sitting on the edge of her bed. He looked worried.
"Sam...." She reached out her hand. He instantly clasped it but she sharply pulled away.
"You're so hot!" she yelled.
"Um... Thanks." Sam seemed a little confused.
"No! Your hands!" Rowan corrected.
"What happened?"
"You passed out. I was so worried about you. You had a burning fever i didn't know what to do." Rowan looked across her room at a small candle burning on her mantle piece.
"Put it out." Rowan sounded pannicky.
"Put it out!!" she screamed. She kept screaming those three words untill he understood.
"Rowan calm down! I'll blow it out now!" Sam scurried over to the candle and blew it out swiftly.
"Okay now? He asked rubbing her arms confortingly only for Rowan to flinch away from him.
"You don't seem too well. I'll come back up after you have had a rest." he went to check her forehead but the second he touched her she blacked out again.
"Rowan! Rowan!" she could hear Sam's voice calling her franticly but that wasn't the only voice she could hear.
"Hello again Rowan. I told you not to tell him about you and now look what he has done to you."

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