Chapter 6- Dentist appointment

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After many hours of talking, Rowan lead Sam to the door, her stretched pyjma trousers dragging on the floor.
"We can keep this a secret right?" Rowan asked in a nervous voice.
"Sure." Sam replied calmly.
"If anyone found out about you you would be cut up and pickled before you can say fish!"
"Very funny!" Rowan replied with a smirk.
"Thanks by the way for you know, helping me and all." Rowan looked at the floor sheepishly as she felt Sam's deep eyes gazing at her.
"I'd better go home now." Sam said turning his eyes to the floor.
"But your mum..." Rowan started.
"That is a crime scene now. You wont be allowed in no matter what you say."
"Then what will i do?" asked Sam almost in tears and his voice shaky.
"Stay here if you like!" Rowan said cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.
"My mum texted me saying she is on a night shift so she won't be home till 9:00am tommorow!"
"Thanks" Sam said gratefully, wiping the tears from his red, blochy cheeks.
"Come on!" Rowan punched Sam's arm playfully and jumped on the sofa. She grabbed the TV remote and gave Sam a cheeky look.
"Mum got me netflix since she is rarely home anymore. What do you want to watch?"
Rowan flicked through netflix till she found a program.
"How about Teenwolf?" Rowan asked.
"Nah. Give me that!" Sam snatched the TV remote off her and flicked through the shows.
"Mako Mermaids" Sam said giving her a sly smile.
"No way! Stop being an ass! Here give that back!" Rowan laughed trying to grab the remote back off him.
"Nope!" he retorted jumping back off the sofa. Rowan chased him around the room. She jumped on his back and pushed him to the floor, his face pressed in the carpet.
"Give up?" Rowan giggled.
"Alright! Alright!" Sam let go of the remote . Rowan grabbed it and danced around in victory, her brown messy bun flopping from side to side. Throughout the remote being bashed and buttons being accidentaly pressed they both gazed at the screen at the suggestion.
"Fifty shades of grey?!" Sam laughed.
"Thats more like it!"
"Alright then! First one to laugh or look away has to have a shot of hot sauce." Rowan challenged.
"You're on!" Sam replied.
By the end they were both in heaps of laughter.
"That was so awkward!" Sam said through small giggles.
Sam's phone buzzed. He quickly looked at his phone screen.
"Oh no." Sam groaned.
"Whats up?" Rowan asked curiously.
"Dentist appointment today."
"Your mum booked you a dentist appointment? That's good of her!" Rowan teased turning her gaze towards the clock which now said 6:30am.
"Of course she didn't. I booked it months ago." Sam mumbled. Sam hated the dentist. He always felt they were going to say something terrible and have to rip out all of his teeth.
"They'll probably say something like hey! All your teeth are rotten and we have to pull them out!" Sam whined pulling his lips out with his finger and sticking his tounge out.
"Ha! Ha! Look, everything will be fine. We can walk down there at eight so mum can sleep and if you're a good boy we can go for icecream after!" Rowan joked tauntingly.
"Alright then" Sam said rolling his eyes.
"But it had better be chocolate!"

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