Chapter 9- It's you.

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"Get away from me!" Rowan screamed. She tried to run but she realised she wasn't herself. She was in water. Deep water. Miles above and below. There infront of her was him. The man who saved her in her dream. His long tail mirrored her own and his muscular arms pulsed with the urge to swim closer and inspect her new fins.
"I told you not to tell the boy! Now look. He has hurt you!"
"What? That's ridiculous! Sam would never hurt me." Rowan seemed disgusted at his acusation.
"Hasn't hurt you!? You are of water, he is of flame. Being friends is non-optional!"
"What do you mean he is of flame?" Rowan was undeniably curious.
"He is a djinn. Or as you humans call it a genie. He is born of fire. Lived a unhappy life and now can make anyones wish come true! But he can also curse and kill people with a simple thought!" The merman seemed very eratic. He was shouting at her and she didn't like it.
"What do you mean kill people?" Rowan was scared of this man but he was the only one with answers. Thoughts of Sam's dead mum and how he wished she was dead popped in her mind.
"Because you are mer of water, it affects you worse but when he touches someone he dries them out, their brain and organs. But because  you are of water fire affects you more. Simply being around him will do you damage."
"You mean i can't be friends with Sam anymore because if i do he will kill me?! That is absurd!" Rowan didn't want to admit it but his theory did make sense.
"You are about to wake. I must leave you now."
"What? No don't Leave me! I have so many questions!" Rowan swam towards him frantically, but not very quickly, she was still getting used to her long scaled tail.
"Goodbye Rowan. Remember, keep away from the boy." he vanished.
Rowan suddenly woke up. She was back in her room. Sam wasn't there which to be honest Rowan was pleased about after what had just happened. She tip toed down stairs and peered into the kitchen. Sam was sitting at the table, twiddling his thumbs. Rowan stepped into the room to make Sam aware of her prescence
"Hey." Rowan didnt realise till that moment how dry her throat was.
"Hey are you okay?" Sam asked. He looked scared, like he feared she was about to scream at him again.
"Im sorry."
"What for?" he asked. Rowan felt so guilty. She couldn't tell him what happened. The man told her not to.
"You need to leave." his face was shocked and confused and Rowan couldn't bare to look at him.
"What did i do?" he was choking up.
"I can't explain i just need you to leave. Now." she could feel the heat off him already and it was making her feel a bit dizzy.
"And go where?" Sam was crying and it made her heart want to hold onto him and not let go.
Rowan walked over to him picked him off his chair, pushing him towards the door.
"Anywhere but here." she shoved him out of the door and slammed it shut, locking it just to be sure. She slid onto the floor and cried into her hands.
"Im sorry Sam. I wish i could explain"

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