Chapter 16- How do you know so much?

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Rowan and Lisa were waiting outside the geography rooms for Cal. Thankfully no one had asked any questions about the closet debarcle yet.
"Sam where are you?"
"Right behind you." Rowan turned around and jumped at the sight of Cal.
"Don't do that!" Rowan scolded.
"You scared the shit out of me!" Cal giggled to himself at the shocked look on her face.
"Shall we go?" Lisa suggested.
"Yeah. See you tommorrow Cal."
"This might seem rather rude but can i stay with you guys? I don't really have a house." Cal admitted.
"Well it isn't really a B and B for magical creatures but i am sure mum won't mind." Rowan said.
"Thanks." Cal rejoiced. They made their way back to Rowan's house. They passed through the kitchen and up the stairs into Rowan's bedroom.
"Mum home?" asked Lisa.
"No another late shift."
"Nice room." Cal stated.
"Thanks. Slight question. How do you know so much about humans?" Rowan asked.
"Like you, i was once human. I was created by another mer to defeat the demons, she was a woman. Quite young but after she turned me i never saw her again. That is why i want to help you. After it was over i made the choice to remain mer but staying on land was becoming harder and harder. People were seeing me swimming off the coast so the government decided to get involved. I did the only thing i could, leave. I became full mer. I stayed in the deepest parts of the ocean so i wouldn't be seen. But one day i had a vision. It was of you and a demon djinn fighting to the death in front of that stain glass window. That is how i found you. I spent months trying to seek you out but the moment i saw that window i knew it was you. So i gave you the dream so i could turn you. I am sorry for placing this burden upon you Rowan."
"Is that why your legs are so thin?" Rowan asked.
"Yes. I havent used them in years."
"How old are you?" Lisa questioned.
"I am nineteen. I was eight when i was turned. I don't know why they chose an eight year old to defeat a demon but somehow i did. Maybe i had that something special. And now you do too Rowan." Cal explained.
"Great so i have to destroy a demon that is controlling my best friend?" Rowan affirmed. Cal hesitated.
"....yes. Feel no mercy, no sentiment. There will be no other way."
"How did you defeat your demon?" Rowan asked.
"It is hard to explain. It isn't one item like a knife or a sword. It is any random object that the universe has imbuded with magical power. It could be anything. But it won't be far from you. It is naturally drawn to you. Mine was a mirror. I collected the shards of the mirror until it was complete and then it transformed into a blade. Only this can defeat the demon." Cal was unsure of what to do and it put Rowan right on edge.
"So when you i was seven you were going around killing demons that i didn't even know existed and no one ever found out?!" Lisa reiterated.
"Anyone fancy a snack?" Rowan diverted. She wanted to think about anything else but killing a demon .
"Sure i'll have some crisps." Lisa stated.
"I'll help you carry it all." Cal happily suggested. Rowan and Cal headed down the stairs to the kitchen once again leaving Lisa alone. She decided to look closer at the window. It was an array of multicolours and was very patterned and decorated. She looked as close as she could. This window must have held a clue if it was in Cal's vision. She traced her finger over the lines and swirls on the window. She quickly withdrew her hand as she realised she had cut her finger on a broken piece of glass in the window.
"But that doesn't make sense." she looked closer at the now blood stained glass window until she found a small hole in the glass. A small chip was missing. It was only the size of her thumbnail but it was big enough to notice. Lisa hurried down the stairs into the kitchen to see Rowan and Cal fixing up some snacks.
"Hey do you guys have a plaster?" Lisa asked.
"Sure what happened?" worried Rowan.
"I cut my finger on your window. There is a piece missing. You should really get that fixed.
"There is a piece missing?" Cal seemed excited, scared and angry all at the same time.
"What's up?" Rowan wondered why he was always so mysterious.
"That must be your object. You have to find the missing piece. Rowan was shocked.
"I have had a weapon to defeat demons in my room this entire time!? Shit!"

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