Chapter 17- A single shard

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"How the hell am i meant to find a single shard of glass?"
Rowan exclaimed.
"There is an entire world out there. And i am just one hu... mermaid." cal couldnt help but chuckle. He was rather amused by Rowan's terrified face.
"Look, all we can do is hope it is slowly being drawn to you. Until then just live like you always have."
"Okay. What day is it Lisa?" Rowan asked.
"Its... Sunday." she said in a slow groan.
"For goodness sake. I dont want to have to go to school tomorrow and see Sam knowing what i have to do." Rowan complained.
"Don't worry. Its all gonna be fine.  There is just one thing that bothers me." Lisa started.
"What?" Cal asked. His tone was kind of cocky like he thought she would say something stupid.
"In the story my owner told me at the lab you needed the four elements to defeat the demon. We have the fire, that is Sam. We have wind, thats me, water is you guys but who is Earth?" she looked to Cal expecting him to have an answer but he looked just as confused as her.
"I defeated the demon on my own." Cal told them with almost a sense of pride.
"Yes but that was one loose demon who tried to do what Sam has to now. But this is the turn of the century. Like in the story. Sam will be stronger with the power of hell behind him. We will need all four." Lisa spoke as if she knew everything about it. She obviously didn't but she knew more than Rowan.
"Well that is just an old fable." Cal stated.
"And anyways-"
"Stop arguing!" Rowan interupted.
"If you hadn't noticed this is all we have to go by right now. An old story and a shard of missing glass from my window. It isnt exactly rock solid proof but it is all we've got." Rowan gave Cal stern eyes.
"Now can we all shut up and take these snacks upstairs? My lemonade has just about lost it's fizz." Rowan demanded storming off upstairs leaving Cal and Lisa in the kitchen, stainding in complete awkwardness.
"Yeah looks like she lost her fizz too!" Lisa joked. Cal couldn't help laugh at her remark.
"I heard that!" Rowan called from upstairs. Cal and Lisa gave eachother a grin and ran up after Rowan getting stuck in the one way stair case.
"Why!? Couldnt you have waited for me to go first?!" Lisa complained.
"It was obvious i was going first!" Cal shouted back trying to twist himself away from the wall then Lisa's side. Rowan peered out the door and once she had seen what was occuring stood fully at the top of the landing.
"Really? I leave you alone for two seconds!" Rowan complained standing there looking at them squirm uncomfortably with her arms folded and shaking her head.
After she had untagled the arms andlegs of Cal and Lisa they carried on upstairs, single file this time.
"Where is the missing piece from Lisa?" Lisa wandered over to the window and placed her index finger next to the small hole. Rowan stepped closer to have a better look.
"Wait..." Rowan began.
"Ive seen this before. Ona necklace." Rowan said woefully turning to look at Cal.
"Really!?" Cal exclaimed.
"Thats great where is it?"
"Around Sam's neck." Rowan groaned.
"I remember now. When we were like four we were playing airplanes and i threw one. It hit the window and knocked a chip off. I was so sad but them the next day he came around he had put it on a necklace. He said he'd wear it till the day he died to remind himself of all the fun we had. He has worn it ever since." Cal groaned and punched the wall sending amall pieces of plaster across the room.
"Cal dont break down my walls! It'll just be harder to get."
"Alot harder." Lisa agreed.
"We can't ask him for it. He'll never agree." Rowan started.
"Yeah it has to be someone close to him now." Lisa added. Cal's face lit up.
"Someone like..."
"Chelsea Mathews." Rowan finished. A few nods went around the circle to agree. Suddenly a loud bang came from downstairs. Rowan looked to Cal in fright as they all stood up not really knowing what to do. Cal gestured his head towards the landing for the door of her bedroom was still open. Rowan shook her head vigorously but he had already started towards the door. Lisa was closely behind him and Rowan felt it was best if she followed. They slowly inched down the stairs till they were three steps away from the bottom. They all peered around the corner to see a very frazzled Miss Smith who was bent down on the floor with a colander picking up potatos.
"Hey mum!" Rowan sighed in relief as she stepped into the kitchen closely followed by Cal and Lisa.
"Hey sweetheart." she replied without even looking up from under the kitchen counter trying to reach a potatothat had rolled under it.
"I have some friends over. This is Lisa and this is-"
"Cal" he interupted. Her mum imediately stopped what she was doingand srood up. She stared at him in disbelief.
"You remember me don't you. Its nice to see you after all thia time." Cal remarked witha harsh tone.
"Nice to see you too Cal." she replied with a sigh of defeat.
"What the f*ck is happening?"


Sam McWilliams

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Sam McWilliams

Sam McWilliams

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