Chapter 27- I dare you

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Rowan, Cal, Lisa and Vanessa all headed down the stairs quietly and slowly. When they reached the bottom there was a loud knock again. It was more urgent and angry than before. Rowan looked to the others to tell them to stay, before she slowly walked towards the door. When she was half way across the room the door burst open. Splinters of wood and glass flew everywhere, some got stuck in Rowan's flesh. She ripped them out and blood oozed out of the open wounds.
"Hello Rowan." Sam droned with wicked and malice in his voice. His eyes were blood red with a small circle of silver in them. His hair had fallen out in places whereas the rest of it was on fire. His skin was grey and tight and all of his bones stuck out of his body and he had grown about three feet taller. Rowan stared at him and only now did she truly agree with Cal. Sam was gone. He marched forward and attempted to grab her by the neck but Cal jumped infront of her and pushed Sam into the wall behind him. He pushed Cal off him making him fly into the fridge door. Cal shakily stood up and went back over again. Rowan saw a large body shaped dent in the fridge door which made her pannick. Sam was stronger than she was. She felt helpless. Rowan collapsed on the floor and watched in fear as the love of her life and father of her child attack a person she once loved with all her heart, but who was now a shrivelled image of decay, hate and destruction. She watched as Lisa screamed and collapsed on the floor as her wings broke a new hole in her skin. She quickly recovered and flew in to help Cal. Vanessa stood next to Rowan helping her to her feet.
"Rowan. There is a magic in you. It is not mer. It is not wind or earth. You were always different but i never understood. I do now. Search inside Rowan. Search for the part of you that is the light. Rowan gazed at Vanessa. She was right. She wasnt like Cal completely. Rowan closed her eyes. She searched her own soul. Suddenly she felt like she was falling in a white tunnel. She fell and fell until she slowed down and landed on a white marble floor. She looked around the room. She was standing in an ancient greek villa. There were tall white pillars all around and a thin figure dressed in robes stood up at the top of a series of steps.
"Welcome Rowan. I have waited a long time to meet you." his voice was deep and farmiliar but she could not recognise his face. It was thin but he had tanned skin. His cheeckbones were vivid and his hair was long and grey.
"Who are you?" Rowan was startled at how her voice echoed in the large stone space. He chuckled at her expression.
"I am light. I do not have one single possesive name. I just am. I am a part of you Rowan. Not that your friends know. apart from that Vanessa, she is a smart one." He smiled again. His face went all wrinkly when he smiled. It was like he was delighted he knew something important and she didnt know anything.
"Your father was light like me. And it wasnt just a random meeting like your mother explained, or so water tell me, it was planned. They were good friends but we as gods became worried about the merging of elements. When we saw you we knew you were special and more powerful than many. So we told all supernaturals that the merging of elements was forbidden. We were scared a new more powerful group of beings would rise and use their power for evil. So your mother and father seperated. It hurt us to see their love broken but we had no choice." he was slowly walking over to a large alter that had an old dusty book on it. He heaved the front cover open that was about one meter tall and half a meter wide and slowly caressed the first page gently with his wrinky hands. He looked over to Rowan and gestured his hand for her to join him. Rowan was unsure but he looked like he had a soul she could trust. She stood next to him and gazed at the first page. It was blank.
"There is nothing on it." Rowan spoke looking at his soft hazel eyes. He chuckled again. It was a soft laugh as though he loved how naive she was.
"Your innocence is amusing to me. You can not see for you do not look with your eyes." he said with wisdom in his voice.
"Rowan this is a book of light's history, therefore only light can read it. But because you do not know who you are you cannot see." he lifted his hand and placed his palm over her eyes.
"You are of light. You know you are. Find it within you and let it shine. Like i do." he lifted his hand off of her eyes. Rowan blinked for a little while as she adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the room. Only then did she realise the man had now a bright light glowing around him. He was glowing a pale yellow. He smiled.
"See. I am a yellow light. Yellow means joy. But you i see, you are blue." the man pointed across the room to a mirror. As Rowan looked at herself she realised she was glowing blue. pale blue light effervesced off her skin like a waterfall.
"What does it mean?" Rowan asked looking back at the man's gentle eyes.
"It means Rowan you have lived a life of sorrow and woe. You have suffered many a trouble and encountered many a wall to climb. But you have climbed each one and you will keep on going." the man's words reminded her of something she learned in history. Something Winston Churchill said.
"If you're going through hell, keep going." she spoke outloud.
"You will make many a enemy in your life Rowan, but also many an alli. You will make a great leader one day and i hope i will see it when it comes. But your friends need you now. Go. You know what to do." Rowan nodded and the man faded into a brilliant white light. Before Rowan knew it she was in the kitchen surrounded by noise. Vanessa was standing infront of her with a pale green glowing force field around them. She was chanting to maintain it but suddenly Rowan caught her eye. Rowan looked down at her hand. She was still glowing blue. She pulled the pill out of her pocket and clenched it tightly in her fist. She walked infront of Vanessa and through the force field. Cal and Lisa had just been tossed against the wall like rag dolls. Cal looked up to see Rowan glowing a pale blue and heading straight for Sam.
"Rowan no!" he yelled but she kept going.
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
"Im not going to fight you Sam." she spoke softly to him as he stared at her. His body was a roaring inferno and was twitching with the urge to kill.
"I knew you once. A sweet boy i would have done anything for. Not gonna lie i kind of loved you." Rowan smiled to herself. It was working. Sam was calming down and his outward appearance was fading back to his usual self.
"But you know what i always thought to myself? God, how am i this lucky? To have this boy in my life who was always there for me, would drop everything if i needed him." she was almost in tears. Sam slowly but finally looked like himself. He was also on the brink of tears. Rowan stepped forward. She was inches away from him. Cal's face dropped. Everyone was watching them in silence with fear and anxiety growing in their throats. Rowan suddenly hugged him. The heat off Sam was hurting her but she didnt stop. Cal could only see her back and was very confused.
"Im sorry." she whispered. She looked at Sam's face with her lips pressed together. All of a sudden she kissed him. Cal was lost for words. She had chosen Sam over him. Rowan stepped away from him. Sam's face dropped. He started to cough and he fell to the floor in a choking mess for little did the others know that Rowan had put the pill in her mouth so when she kissed Sam he had accidentally swallowed it. Cal and Lisa stood up off the floor as Vanessa came to join them. They watched as Sam's eyes filled with blood and his face started to burn. His skin was charred and red by the time it was all over. With his dying words Sam looked at Rowan and whispered.
"Thankyou." as he slipped into the clutches of death. Cal, Lisa and Vanessa all hugged eachother being thankful that they were all alive.
"I knew you had a plan." Lisa cried as she turned to look at Rowan but Rowan was on the floor. She wasnt moving and looked very pale.
"No no!" Cal shouted as he ran over to her, kneeled on the floor and lifted her head onto his lap.
"The pill must have poisened her too." Vanessa cried woefully.

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