Chapter 24- your parents?

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After school Lisa, Cal, Rowan, and Vanessa all walked back to her house. Rowan unlocked the door and let everyone inside. Lisa went straight for the chocolate in the fridge,  Vanessa just looked around, but Cal went straight up to her bedroom. Rowan watched as he slowly sauntered up the stairs and into her room, and closed the door behind him. Rowan decided to follow him so she quietly stepped from one step to the next until she reached the door. The slowly opened the door and stepped inside to see Cal lying on her bed. He was faced away from her towards the wall. He didnt seem to stir when she walked over to the bed and layed next to him. She roled over until her face was a few inches from his back. She placed her left hand onto his back so he could acknowledge her. He roled over to face her.
"Ask me." he said, his face plain and inexpressive.
"What?" Rowan asked but she knew exactly what he was talking about.
"My parents." he began.
"When i was five my mum got in a car crash and died. My dad lost it. Became a drunk, would worry where his can of beer was before where i was. Complete alcoholic. When i was eight i was walking out by myself. I crossed the road and almost got hit by a car. Thankfully the person in the car was your mum. She looked at me and asked me if i ever went swimming. I told her i never had been to the beach before. She offered to take me. I had nothing to lose so i said yes. The next day we went to the beach. She transformed and offered the gift to me. I said yes. She transformed me, trained me to defeat the demon. I did. Straight after, she left." Cal explained. He looked down towards his hand which were playing with the duvet cover which was shaped in mounds and waves like sand on the sea bed.
"Oh." Rowan didnt know what to say.
"But that is not what is wrong." Cal sat up. He planted his feet on the floor and rested his elbows on his knees. Rowan also sat up and rested her head on Cal's shoulder.
"Whats wrong?" she asked looking at the side of Cal's face.
"I havent told you the whole truth. When you defeat the demon..." he began.
"It will kill Sam. You cant kill just the demon. Sam is the demon. It has overcome him. There is no way of ending this without Sam...." Cal' words trailed off. He looked at Rowan's face. It had sadness, anger and betrayal written all over it.
"Im sorry i didnt tell you its just i thought if we acted fast enough then we could save Sam. But it was too late. Vanessa told me it was too late but i was scared to tell you the consequences!" Cal hated the look on Rowan's face. Her eyes were full of tears and she was trying to keep her sobbs inside.
"Is that why she defended you earlier?" Rowan asked trying to stay calm but the tears were streaming down her face.
"Yes." Cal admitted.
"Well maybe we can save him maybe we can! Maybe if we-"
"There is nothing left of Sam!" Cal shouted. He had tears in his eyes too.
"He is all gone. The demon has eaten him away inside until there was nothing left! Im sorry its just the way it is!" Cal yelled. Rowan fell silent.
"I dont believe you. Sam is still in there." Cal sat next to her and took her hands in his.
"Im sorry." He looked at the floor with guilt.
"What for?" Rowan sobbed sarcastically.
"Yelling, putting you through this. Placing it on you to kill your best friend."
"Dont say that." Rowan demanded.
"Im so sorry." Cal looked away from her.
"I understand if you dont want to see me anymore." Cal stood up and headed for the door.
"No." Cal stopped walking and turned around, tears spilling down his face.
"I love you." Rowan admitted she stood up and embraced him.
"I could not stop even if i tried. But you have to help me through this. No more shouting, no more secrets." Cal leaned forward and kissed her. Rowan grabbed the back of his shirt as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. He kissed down her neck and back up along her jawline until he came back to her lips. Rowan never understood why people liked kissing so much. Her first kiss was at a panic at the disco concert and it was really gross but she knew why now. This boy was like a soft cloud on her lips yet her brought the lightening and electricity that made her want more. He rested his head against hers.
"I love you too." he finally answered back.
Rowan pulled away and looked into his eyes. Whatever tears were there were gone.  She felt her heart had molded around his and she was happy.
"We should probably go back down to the others and complete this window." Cal breathed slowly. He was out of breath from kissing her. He didnt want to go back down to the others. Rowan read his mind. She shook her head and pulled him back towards the bed. half an hour later, Rowan headed back downstairs. But Rowan was concerned. She ran into her mums room and rumaged in her draws. Found it. She pulled out a £1 pregnancy test. It would have to do. She hurried into her mums ensuite bathroom to take the test. She came out of the bathroom with a calm expression. She slowly left the bathroom and quietly tiptoed past the living room where Vanessa and Lisa were watching the T.V. she ran up the stairs and into her room. Cal walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her.
"Now ive finished you, lets go finish a window." Cal grinned at her.
"I hate you." Rowan laughed.
"No you dont.." Cal looked deep into her eyes.
"You love me." Rowan smiled and then nodded. Cal kissed her and then headed downstairs leaving Rowan alone in her room. She pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket and looked at it.

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