Chapter 18- How do you know him?

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Cal and Miss Smith stared at eachother for what seemed like hours. There were no words, just silence. Rowan finally couldnt take it anymore.
"Okay how the fuck do you know eachother?!" Rowan yelled.
Cal slowly opened his mouth to speak.
"Go on. Tell her Marian or whatever you call yourself now."
"What?" Rowan was so confused. Her mum shuddered at the name Cal had mentioned.
"I was... His mentor." Marian explained briefly.
"You know i told you my mentor during my battle against the demon abandoned me straight after it was over?" Cal recountered. Marian's face looked worried.
"Why have you told them that? I told you to keep the secret!" Cal smirked. Her discomfort obviously pleased him. He looked towards Rowan.
"Well your mum, Marian was my mentor like i am to you."
Marian's eyes flicked in horror to Rowan as did Rowan's eyes gaze in disbelief.
"How does she know all this? And what do you mean her mentor?" Marian voice was pannicky but she already knew the answer.
"She is like you and me now. She has to do what i did. Defeat a demon but the only difference is i wont abandon her like you." Marian sank to floor tipping over the collander of potatos.
"Of course..." Marian's face had understanding written on it but not the good kind.
"You only chose her because she already had merblood in her veins." she looked at Cal. She read him like a book, every page of its contents were out on the table for her to see.
"What?" Rowan turned her focus to Cal.
"You told me you had a vision." Cal bowed his head.
"No. I knew you had merblood the minute i saw you. I just didnt know your mother was Marian.
"Stop calling her that. Her name is Josie. And what do you mean first met? I only just met you. Cal looked inside Rowan's thoughts sending her back to the dream of the tsunami.
"That vision you had was part true. Remember as you were walking with Sam to the beach you bumped into a drunk and he fell over?" he asked. Rowan could recall it all. A man with a hood ran at her, bumped into Sam and fell. He stood up, looked at her and then ran away.
"That was me." Cal admitted.
"I wouldnt have fallen over but Sam's heat and my wobbly legs made me fall. I could smell the salt in your blood." Cal looked to the floor ashamed. Marian stood up and brushed the dust off.
"I am gonna leave you to talk. I will explain when i get back." Before Rowan could stop her she ran out of the door with her handbad.
"Why didn't you tell me Cal?" Rowan asked. She was surprised at how calm her voice was because inside, her entire life just got torn in half.
"What would i have said? Hi i know you're a mermaid but you dont know so im gonna speed it up so you can fight a demon. By the way ive been stalking you. I am a merman and your mum was my mentor, she is a mermaid too?" he yelled sarcastically. He was scaring her. He was very close and his hot eratic breath was beating down on her. Rowan didnt reply. She just ran up into her room and locked the door. She jumped on her bed and cried. Everything she knew was a lie. Her mum, her friend and now her hero who so majestically helped her in her vision and when Sam attacked her at school.
"Well done." Lisa scolded at him. She walked over to the sofa and carefully planted herself on the soft cusions slowly sinking into the fabric. Cal stood there rigid. Guilt rose in his throat like acid that was about to spill out of his mouth and onto the tile floor. He slowly walked over to the stairs and started the ascent slowly. One step...two steps, until finally he reached the top of the stairs and was outside Rowans door. He knocked softly on the wood paneling. There was no answer.
"Rowan?" he called softly. Her muffled crying which he presumed was being forced into her pillow stopped and runny sniffs came from within. He knew she wouldnt answer.
"Rowan. If i could apologise more than the stars in the sky, i would. Im not good at social rules. I mean think about it, ive been in the sea for the last ten years. But what no one knows is that.." Cal paused. She was listening, he could sense her prescence in his mind.
"I had no one." Cal sighed as if he had just let the biggest secret of his life out into the air. Footsteps sounded in the room. Then the sound of a lock clicking and then the creaking as the door opened. Rowan's face was puffy and red. Her tears had smudged all of her mascara and was coating most of her face. Rowan slowly opened the door to let him in. Cal cautiously entered. Rowan closed the door behind him and then sat onto her memory foam mattress. Cal sat beside her and wiped the mascara off her cheek. It actually made it worse but Cal just smiled.
"You aren't cute when you cry like most girls." Cal joked. His voice was soft and soothing. Like a blanket had been wrapped around her ears.
"Well im not like most girls." Rowan answered.
"God could i have been anymore cliché? Rowan laughed.
"Probably not." Cal smiled. His face was so close to hers she could practically see every detail of his eyes. Small lines if silver and blue ran through the deep ink like wells that are as vast as an ocean shelf. His black hair had fallen over his face and was messy over his eyebrows. His cheeks were slightly flushed but his skin was tanned and clear. And his lips. His lips were pink and soft with a beautiful  outline and deep cupids bow. Before she could help herself she leaned forward and kissed him. His lips were tight at first but they slowly softened. His hands were running from her shoulder down her back and around her waist. Rowan's body was pressed against his hard torsoe and it made her tremble. Their lips moved over eachother until Rowan couldnt tell if she could stop. Her arms wrapped around his neck as electric sparks shot from his lips and into her body making her tremble. Cal slowly started to kiss her neck and along her shoulder which was revealed by an off shoulder top. Rowan sighed in relief as he started to move back up and kiss her lips again. It was incredible. Their bodies molded together as Rowan grabbed the bottom of Cal's shirt. She pulled it off over his head before she continued to massage his lips with her own. Her hand ran through his hair and down his back. He shivered. Cal was losing all control. Rowan's hands traced his chest and down, grabbing the top of his jeans, tugging him in closer.
"Wait, wait." Cal said pulling away from her, falling onto the floor.
"What?" Rowan asked still out of breath.
"Lisa is downstairs." Cal remembered. He was out of breath too. His chest was going up and down rappidly. He wanted to kiss her again. He wanted to take her then and there.
"If we are quiet she wont know." Rowan teased as she got on her hands and knees, crawling over to him biting her lip seductively and kissing him again. She wrapped her arms around his head and pulled her body closer to him. Cal's heart was rising. He grabbed her waist and shoved her on her back on the floor before lying on top of her with his face close to hers.
"If i made love to you i wouldnt be able to stay quiet." he kissed her once more. Her heart melted and her body throbbed with energy. She wanted to give all of it to him. She wanted to feel his body against hers and Cal wanted her too. He wanted to pull her top off and feel her skin on his. He wanted to feel the control over her as he pleasured her beyond all reckoning but he refrained and just gently kissed her before standing up and going to grab his shirt. Rowan layed there propped up on her elbows watching Cal pick up his tight blue shirt. She caught a last glance at his v-lines before he pulled the shirt over is head and down over the top of his jeans. Rowan felt a little let down but the burning desire for Cal was still on her face. He strolled over to her and helped her to her feet. His hands were strong but soft to the touch. Rowan leaned forward and pressed her lips one last time against his. Before he pulled away he bit Rowan's top lip and rested his head against hers. They stood there breathing heavily with Rowan's arms around his neck and his arm around her waist with his other hand slowly drifting up to her hip. Rowan stepped away from him quickly before she got tempted to do it again.
"We've been up her too long, lets go down and see Lisa."
"Okay Cal agreed but before he could head to the door Rowan stopped him.
"Before you go you might want to sort that out." she looked briefly down to his trousers and left Cal to deal with it himself. You know what it was. Rowan headed downstairs into the living room where Lisa was still sitting on the sofa.
"Hey what happened?" Lisa asked inocently.
"Nothing. Cal gave a damn good apology."
"Too right i did."
"God you turn me on."
"What?" Lisa asked.
"What?!" Rowan asked.
"You were just staring at me."
"Thank god i thought i said that outloud."

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