Chapter 5- discovery

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Rowan had been a nervous wreck all day. She feared for Sam, herself and mainly what would happen to them. After an entire day of Chav Chelsea and miserable maths she went to meet Sam. Rowan had never been paranoid before but all of a sudden everyone was looking at her. Sam appeared behind her nearly making her jump ten feet. She ran at him and into his arms.
"I am so scared Sam. This can't be coincidence. And your mum! Where will you go? You will have to leave and i will be alone and-"
"STOP! God you are never scared Rowan. You are the tough yet comforting cookie in this friendship! Calm down. Im not going anywhere."
Sam's eyes were dark and deep. Rowan gazed at him, melting into his words.
"God Rowan stop being so lovey dovey! Everyone is looking at you!"
She looked around. It was true. Everyone was staring at them.
"Lets go." Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked.
"Yes?" he replied.
"This is going to sound really wierd"
"Okay..." his eyebrows were forrowed now in a frown.
"Are you okay?" his eyes softened.
"I thought you were gonna tell me something aweful then like you were dying or moving away or something. And yes im fine." Rowan could tell he wasn't. He was always smiling before. Now he keeps reminding himself to be happy. It was aweful on Rowan. They went through the backdoor and into her room. Sitting on her memory foam mattress, they looked at eachother.
"Mum home?"Sam asked.
"Nah. Late shift" Rowan replied.
"Want a drink?" Rowan asked.
"Sure, can i have some apple juice?"
"Sorry. Ran out."
"Okay i'll have some water then please." Sam said humbly, looking around the room at Rowan's rock posters and sketches that littered the floor. It was a small room containing her bed, wardrobe, desk and other small bits and pieces like her laptop, phone and hundreds of notebooks that filled a a large bookshelf hanging on the right wall. A large stain glass, circular window hung above her bed letting in multicoloured light. Rowan headed down the stairs and into her kitchen. It was small but it had everything they needed. She grabbed two cups from the top shelf. She turned on the tap and as she waited for the water to go cold she thought the dream over, trying to remember every detail. Rowan looked back and slid the cups under the stream of cold water. The man's voice echoed in her head.
"Change. A change. And why shouldnt i tell Sam? What is happening?"
Her hands were shaking now. She took the cups and headed for the stairs. Smash! The cups fell from her trembling hands. Water gushed all over the floor. Rowan fell to the ground. Her sight blurred, all she could hear was Sam tumbling down the stairs in a hurry.
"Rowan! Where are you?!"
Rowan looked at her legs. But they weren't there. Instead they were replaced with a long, blue, scaled tail. It must have been two meters long at least! Her skin was tinged green and all her hair had vanished. She struggled to breath. She felt her neck to find two suffocating gills.  Sam came running into the kitchen to see her on the floor. He fell back into the wall behind him.
"Rowan? Is that you?" he asked, his voice in pure shock.
She tried to speak but all that came out was a whale like moan. It made him wince. Her voice was ear piercing so instead Rowan nodded. Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes. The esering pain raged in her throat. Sam slowly walked over to her side.
"What are we going to do?" sam was pinching the bridge of his nose in thought. Rowan had an idea. She pointed to a pile of towels on a kitchen chair.
"Well we don't have any other ideas!" Sam said sarcastically. He grabbed the towels and passed one to Rowan. They rubbed her tail and arms and anything they could dry untill she was. A bright spark hit their eyes and when they looked back, her hair and legs had returned. Unfortunately she was naked. Rowan covered herself in the towel, feeling a little embaressed.
"Great, my friend is a fish."
"I guess this is what the guy meant about change." Rowan thought out loud.
"What guy?" Sam questioned.
"I'll tell you later. But right now i need you to look away and pass me some clothes."
"Shit. Im a fish. Out of all the things that could happen i become a beached whale in my kitchen. I sound like a dying seagull! Well, at least mum wasn't home!"

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