Chapter 11- Angels and Devils

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The next day started the same as any other. Rowan got dressed, had breakfast and got on the bus. Eight o'clock right on time. Sam ignored her again. Rowan was disgusted by him but she refrained from kicking him in the balls as she entered the bus. Except this time when she vacated the bus a smiling Lisa came rushing up to her with a massive grin from ear to ear.
"Hey Rowan! Where did you go yesterday?" she had a curious expression but Rowan knew she couldn't tell her the truth. Not after last time.
"I told you, i forgot something." Rowan knew she was a terrible liar but Lisa seemed to be falling for it.
"She's a bit gullable"
"What did you forget?" Lisa probed futher.
"My sanity, my legs, my humanness"
"Oh just my memory stick" Rowan continued. She knew she was being way too subtle in her information.
"I left it in I.T yesterday with Mr. Montgomery so i just went to get it." Rowan tried to be convincing but her story was beginning to obviously show some flaws because Lisa was beginning to frown.
"Did you find it?" Lisa questioned, with one eyebrow raised and arms folded.
"No. I think someone picked it up."
"Yes. Me yesterday when i was helping you put your stuff in your bag. Why are you lying?" God Lisa was smart.
"Gotta go. Can't be late for class!" Rowan hurried off leaving Lisa by herself. Lisa headed to her first class. I.T funny enough.
"Hello sir!" Lisa jollied as she entered the room.
"Hello Lisa! How are you this morning?" a very happy Mr. Montgomery answered. He was a simple man but was always dressed neatly. He had a smart pair of Broged Oxford shoes that were completely out awed by his old suit.
"Im good thankyou sir. Did you pick up Rowan Smith's memory stick yesterday sir?" Lisa knew he didn't but maybe he knew something about her unusual behaviour.
"Rowan Smith? I don't have her in my class Lisa. She is in Mr. Davies' class."
Lisa smiled at her victory over Rowan. She was right and God was she going to ask Rowan about this missing memory stick that wasn't missing because a teacher she didnt have picked it up. Rowan knew she had screwed up, it was all she could think about the entirety of those two, long hours. She rushed out of the class room as quickly as she could, but despite her efforts she was still caught by Lisa.
"You don't have Mr. Montgomery for I.T do you?" Lisa was angry. Her entire body language told Rowan so, not to mention her snappy tone, her stern eyes, her forrowed brow and her thin pressed together lips.
"No." Rowan was pannicking. She tried to look sad by looking down at her feet but that didn't stop Lisa from feeling deceived. Rowan tried to look as sorry as she could but much to her surprise Lisa calmed herself.
"I'm not going to argue with you here. Im not going to make you look even more of a fool, you are already that in my book at the moment. I want to hear an explanation.
"Of course." Rowan was thankful. She didnt expect Lisa to be so understanding and relaxed. She had only known Rowan one day and it was like she knew Rowan better than anyone.
"That is excluding the dick wad Sam."
"Come around my house after school. Text your mum and my mum can drop you home."
"Okay. I'll go call her." Lisa walked off rumaging in her bag for her phone, untill she disappeared around a corner.
"I am fucked."

Lisa BaBartley

Lisa BaBartley

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Mr. Montgomery


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