Chapter 2- that bitch

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It was after school that Rowan went to meet Sam. Math was as boring as her mother talking about the knitting show she used to watch. She never understood her mother. She acts like she is a perfect mother but back in the day she used to be a bit of a rebble. That is why Rowan was born. A quick shag round the back of a nightclub. Now it seems like she is trying to be perfect to make up for her old life. At least she has changed her ways unlike Sam's mum. She is a druggie, alcoholic and frequently beat Sam. She blamed him for his father leaving her. She called him "the biggest mistake of her life" Sam spoke back to her once and ended up with a black eye and sprained wrist. He had said "im not the mistake mum, your last 3 packets of weed are the mistake. You can hurt me mum but everytime i am hurt you remove my love for you, when it runs out, i won't come back from school". If only he wasn't at the top of the stairs.
"Hey Rowan. You look a bit lost in your thoughts."
"I am. I really dont want to go to this party Sam. Every popular person will be there and we will just be standing there like planks!"
"Who cares!" Sam laughed.
"It is your birthday and anyway you will be with me. We will have a great time. I promise."
"Alright then. Meet me at the corner post box at around nine okay?" Rowan stated.
"Okay, see ya!" Sam strolled away towards his house. It was rather run down and reeked of marujuana. Beer cans and bottles filled the bins outside and aweful looking white drapes hung in the windows. They weren't even white anymore, they had been stained in cigarette smoke. That was all Rowan had ever seen of Sam's house. Sam told her never to come through the front door because he feared his mum would loose it. Rowan stood at her gate looking at Sam go into his house. He lived right next door to her and she heared everything that went on but he never like talking about it. He liked to keep what happened in his house quiet. Rowan slugged up her stairs, dragged her feet across her carpet and face planted her mattress. Thud thud. Her mum came running up the stairs and burst into her room.
"Sweety! Your home! I have a great evening planned. Twister, scrabble and a good go on the wii. I bet i can beat you at tennis this time around!" her mum seemed so full of energy. Rowan had no idea where it came from. Her mum's job was really boring. She worked at a computer for seven hours in a hospital. Rowan could never work like that, she might be boring but she liked being down by the coast and sticking her toes in the sea with the salty air and warm sand.
"Sorry mum" Rowan said regretfully.
"I would but im going to a party with Sam tonight. Maybe some other time yeah?"
Rowan had never seen her mum so sad in all her life. Her frown almost hit her knees.
"Oh alright then. If you want. Im just gonna... I'll just be... Downstairs okay. Have fun."
Rowan had never felt so guilty. Her mum was annoying but she just wanted Rowan to be happy, and seeing her this miserable rocked her to her core. She slid into a pair of skinny jeans, t-shirt and hoodie, grabbed her bag and headed to the corner post box. She waited there for about half an hour.
"Where are you Sam?"
Out of the dark came a familliar shadow.
"About time!" Rowan called but her face dropped immediately. Sam was limping. As he came closer into view she could see a long purple bruise down his jaw and a small trickle of blood hit the pavement.
"That bitch!" Rowan screamed.
"How could she do this to you?!! You are her son!! I am going to kill her!" Rowan ran for his front door but Sam grabbed her arm before she could.
"Please don't." he begged.
"I am okay and seeing you hurt is alot worse than this".
Rowan sank in his words. His lip was slightly split and his eyes, sad and shallow were begging her to stay.
"Okay. Lets just go. I am not letting you stay with her tonight though. You can sleep on my couch"
"Thanks" Sam said eyeing the tears that had formed in her eyes.
"Lets go."
They headed down the street with his arm on her shoulder limping towards St. Avons beach.  But as they walked a drunk man ran into Sam. His hood was up and his legs were shaking. He fell over face first onto the pavement.
"Sorry man you okay?" Sam bent down to help him up but theman pushed hia hand away. He clambered to his feet, quickly looked at Rowan and ran away.
"That was so wierd." Sam announced.
"Yeah." Rowan agreed.
"Lets go." slowly they continued to hobble towards the beach.

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