Chapter 27- what now?

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Cal craddled her in his arms sobbing loudly, to be honest it was more like screaming. Lisa and Vanessa had their arms around eachothers shoulders and were gently rocking back and fourth.
"She did it to save us, to save everyone." Vanessa soothed putting her hand on Cal's shaking back. She gazed at Rowan's pale face. It was lifeless. Cal stared at her pale lips begging her to speak. He slowly slid her head onto the floor and stood up, broken glass crunching under his feet. He linked his arm through Vanessa's as the three of them headed for the door. Lisa stopped.
"Did you hear that?" she asked with tears still streaming down her face. They all turned around to see Rowan lifting her arm to them. Cal rushed to her side and clasped her hand in his.
"But you were dead!" Cal exclaimed.
"Did you check my pulse?" Rowan mumbled.
"No..." Lisa started with humorous guilt in her voice.
Cal helped Rowan sit up.
"But how did the pill not kill you?" he asked.
"She is of two elements." Vanessa interupted before Rowan could explain.
"I knew there was something. But i wasnt sure until a few moments ago. She is of light and water. The pill cannot kill her. She is the reason the merging of elements was banned. She is more powerful than all of us combined." Vanessa finished.
"Did you know you were immune?" Lisa questioned.
"No. I just knew how to stop him." Rowan admitted.
"What the hell!? I could have lost you!" Cal scolded.
"Did you?" Rowan asked sarcastically. Cal hugged her closely rocking her back and fourth. He leaned back and looked at her before lifting her to her feet.
"So what now?" Lisa asked as she wrapped her arm around Rowan. They all linked arms with eachother.
"I dont know. But i know what ill be doing in 9 months." she looked at Cal and hopefully stared at his face as he tried to understand. His mouth dropped open.
"Really?" he asked with fear in his voice. Rowan just smiled at him. He embraced her again before they all headed towards the door, leaving the burned remains of Sam for the government to find and figure out. They stood at the edge of saint Avons beach, looking out towards the sea where all of it started.
"You're leaving aren't you?" Lisa asked already knowing the answer, not letting her eyes move away from the swaying tide.
"Yes. We have to." Rowan answered turning to Lisa and Vanessa. Their eyes met and tears began to swell in them.
"Will we ever see you again?" Vanessa asked, trying to hold back her sobbs. Rowan had never seen her cry properly before. It was an unusual look on her. All of her heavy mascara and eyeliner had run down her pale, bloodied cheeks.
"Maybe. I hope so." Rowan said with woe in her voice. She hugged Vanessa closely.
"I dont know what we would have done without you." Rowan turned her body to face Lisa. She hugged Rowan tightly.
"Lisa you have been here from the start. Even when i threw toilet paper at you, you accepted me."
"Well that is because i had wings. Being wierd is relatable." Lisa laughed but with sadness in her voice. There were no more words to be said. Rowan took Cal by the hand and gave them one more look.
"It doesnt matter where i am, even half way around the world. Call, scream, yell and i will hear you. I will find you. You will be surprised how far the tide will carry it." Rowan looked back at Cal before they ran out into the water and dived into the deep blue water leaving Vanessa and Lisa standing alone on the sand, only with the memory and the footprints embeded in the sand, just before a small wave came and swept them away.

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