Chapter 2

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
After Auntie Rose fed me I saw my sister come out of the room with a short lady with dark hair. While we were in our little home she kicked me and other stuff. I put my hand on auntie Rose's cheek,

"Where's mummy and daddy?" I thought. It was a gift I got of my sister, she really needs a name!
Auntie Rose looked shocked at first but then grinned.

"Well it looks like you have a gift. Amazing." She breathed out. "Your mummy is just asleep, you'll see her soon and your daddy is taking care of her, he'll be down soon."

Auntie Rose took me to a room with a tub that was filled with warm water. She cleaned me up, put me in soft clothes, and bundled me up in blankets. She sat down next to a fireplace on a cozy sofa. She cooed at me, when I heard the sound of footsteps coming in our direction. I decided to see where the footsteps were coming from. I wiggled out of Auntie Rose's grip and peeked above her shoulder.

"No, careful." She quickly tightened her grip on me.

I looked at the stranger. He was tall, tan with dark brown hair and was very muscular. He actually looked very handsome. I shook those thoughts away quickly and noticed his murderous expression. When I finally peered into his eyes he froze, his face softened and turned into a loving expression, like the one daddy gave mummy. After a moment he lightly fell onto his right knee, and looked down. I smiled to myself and snuggled back into Auntie Rose's arm. I suddenly felt really tired and drifted to sleep.

Jacob's P.O.V
I was going to kill the monster that killed Bella, the love of my life. I silently walked into the room, blondie was with the two monsters, I trying not to let them know I'm here. When it looked over Rosalie's —I think that's her name— shoulder, I looked into her eyes.

 When it looked over Rosalie's —I think that's her name— shoulder, I looked into her eyes

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"It's not like love at first sight. Really. It's more like...gravity moves....suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. You become whatever she needs you to be. Whether that's a protector. Or a brother. Or a friend. Or a lover." I was now kneeling on the floor and I saw everything, I saw her from when she was a baby to when she was a teenager she was now my future, my gravity, my everything. I had just imprinted on Elizabeth, I have forgotten all my love for Bella, my love is all for Elizabeth and only her. The thing to bring me out of my thoughts was the growling, I quickly ran outside and saw Sam's pack.

"STOP! It's over. You kill her you kill me." I yelled, Sam lunged at me making me fly back through the air into Esme's garden, I quickly shifted and landed on my feet, I snarled stomping forward.

"Jacob imprinted. They can't hurt her, whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed it is their most ABSOLUTE LAW!" Edward said while reading my mind, I glanced back at him to see him glaring at me, I am so dead especially when Bella wakes up.


Edward's P.O.V
I was in the family room with Lizzie in my arms, she looked just like Bella but had my human eyes, she was beautiful. I'm not happy that Jacob imprinted, I can't wait to see what Bella will do when she finds out. Alice took the second child in which surprised me, she kept thinking how the girl reminded her of her sister, I would of thought Rose would want Renesmee—as Alice called— but seeing as Rose already has a bond with Lizzie my sister didn't want the monster that hurt my daughter. Both the girls grow quick, Renesmee more so because she is more vampire than my sweet daughter. Carlisle found out that Lizzie's gift is a copy cat, so when she sees someone use there gift on her or anyone else she has it so like mine, Renesmee and Jasper's she all has, not Alice's as she hasn't seen her use it.

Lizzie is just waking up from her nap and is going to need a bottle so I walk in the kitchen to see Esme making two bottles with blood and milk for the my daughter and the other one. I look down to see she is looking up at me smiling and I smile back down at her.

"Good morning." I say to her. She puts her hand on my cheek.

"Good morning daddy." she thought to me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and she nods her little head. I look up to see Esme smiling about to hand me her bottle. "Thank you Esme" I say and smile at her.

"Not a problem" she says picking up the other bottle and handing it to Rose who has just walked in with Renesmee. After feeding the girls Emmett walks in with Rosalie and Carlisle, Alice and Jasper are out hunting with the monster.

"Hey Edward did Bella give her a middle name?" Emmett asked and I look up at him.

"Her full name is Elizabeth Mackenzie Rosealice Cullen." I said smiling proudly.

"That's pretty

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"That's pretty." He said and I nodded and looked at Lizzie.


A/N- I wanted to make it more obvious that Edward didn't like Nessie and blames her for Bellas transformation and Elizabeth being so small.

I hope you enjoyed it! 😁

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