Chapter 10

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Elizabeth's P.O.V
I watched from the car window as my family stood on the patio talking to a tall man who looked like Jacob. He stood there with his arms folded across his chest and a stern look on his face. As grandpa Carlisle read the note the man had handed him, my family's smiles dropped into an upset frown. I watched as grandpa Carlisle handed mummy the note, her eyes scanned the page before she looked up and handed the note back to Grandpa. She then walked over to the car and she smiled at me as she slid into the passenger seat. I looked over at Jacob who was on my right and he gave me a smile that I gladly returned. Daddy soon came and got into the car as well. As we drove away I saw Nessie at the door and I gave her a smile and a small wave that she returned. I watched until our house was out of sight and off started a long trip.

Bella's P.O.V
Alice's instructions were clear, but the question remained. Why? Why would she and Jasper leave at the moment we needed them the most? What do they know? Our search for witnesses began with a trip North to our closes relatives. I watched as the small specks of snow flew onto the window as the car jerked to a sudden stop. I watched Edward cautiously from my seat as he made his way to the Denali coven.

"Edward is everything alright?" Carmen asked with a concerned face.

"Is it Irina? Have you heard from her?" Kate asked anxiously

"Not directly." Edward said with a cold look as she said Irina's name

"Why is your bride waiting in the car?" Eleazar asked, I looked down as they all glanced at me.

"And why have you brought a wolf with you? I can smell him from here." Kate hissed.

"My family is in danger, I need your help." Edward said with a pained look.

"What happened?" Carman asked worried.

"It's hard to explain, but I need you to be open minded, can you do that?" Edward asked.

"Of course" Tanya answered as they looked confused and suspicious. Edward turned to look at me and gave a nod. I turned back to look at Lizzie, love filling my being.

"Okay, time to meet some new people." I said to her with a small smile on my face, her little head jolts up as a worried look comes to her face.

"What if they don't like me?" She asks worried.

"They'll love you." Jacob said, his eyes filled with love.

"They will. They just haven't met anyone like you before." I say. We all step out of the car and the Danali's all gasp as they saw Lizzie.

"The Volturi will come for all of us." Kate said in a hushed tone.

"You get that thing out of here." Tanya exclaimed and it made me angry that she called my daughter a thing.

"She's not what she looks like." Edward tried to explain.

"Stay back." I growled at them

"She has blood in her veins, you can feel her warmth." Edward said to them.

"I can feel it." Carman spoke up hoping to ease the tension.

"I'm her biological father, Bella's her mother." Edward explained

"Impossible." Kate said, while shaking her head, refusing to believe it.

"It's true. She was born while I was still human." I spoke up hoping to help.

"I've never heard such a thing." Eleazar said with an intrigued look on his face.

"She can show you, if you let her." Edward said as he motioned for Jake to bring Lizzie over.

"Tanya, you owe us this much. We're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain." Edward said as he picked Lizzie up who was in Jacob's arms. She lent in to put her hand on Tanya's cheek but the blonde flinched away.

"Don't be afraid. This is how she communicates." I reassured her as Lizzie placed her hand on Tanya's cheek. Tanya stood there dazed for a few seconds as she watched Lizzie's memories float through her head.

 Tanya stood there dazed for a few seconds as she watched Lizzie's memories float through her head

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"It's true. She's not immortal." She gasped as Lizzie pulled away and wrapped her little arms around Edward's neck as he pulled her closer to him. I knew the rest of our family would face this fear as well. Fear of the unknown, fear of the Volturi.

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